CyHra -promokuva 2017

Amaranthen, In Flamesin ja Annihilatorin entisten jäsenten bändi alkoi sooloprojekteista: syksyllä albumi ja mahdollisesti kiertue

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 23.5.2017
CyHra -promokuva 2017

Tuore metal -yhtye CyHra pitää sisällään tuttuja muusikoita, kun bändissä toimivat Amaranthesta lähtenyt Joacim ”Jake E” Lundberg, In Flamesin entinen kitaristi Jesper Strömblad ja basisti Peter Iwers sekä Annihilatorissakin vaikuttanut rumpali Alex Landenburg.

CyHra on saanut hiljattain debyyttialbuminsa nauhoitukset valmiiksi, ja kokoonpanon tarkoituksena on julkaista se myöhemmin syksyllä Spinefarmin kautta. Yhtye toivoo pääsevänsä myös kiertueelle tämän vuoden lokakuussa tai marraskuussa.

Laulaja Jake E kertoi hiljattain AntiHero -verkkolehdelle uuden bändin syntytarinan, joka alunperin käynnistyi sooloprojekteista.

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Jake E tuntee Jesper Strömbladin ja Peter Iwersin vuosien takaa, ja hän oli usein yhteydessä Strömbladin kanssa. Sekä Strömbladilla että Jakella oli tarkoitus toteuttaa oma sooloalbumi, johon he pyysivät toisiltaan soitto- ja lauluosuuksia. Kummankin projekti oli tosin vasta suunnittelutasolla, joten miehet alkoivat suunnittelemaan niitä yhdessä. Pian he huomasivat, että haluavat molemmat tehdä samanlaisen albumin, ja siten he alkoivat kirjoittamaan kappaleitakin yhdessä.

Albumin työstäminen eteni yhdessä ja pian he tarvitsivat lisää jäseniä. Jake E ehdotti Alex Landenburgia rumpaliksi tulevalle projektille, ja basistiksi he pyysivät Peter Iwersiä, kun tämä oli vielä In Flamesin rivissä. Iwersin alkuperäisenä tarkoituksena oli pysytellä samanaikaisesti In Flamesissa, mutta päätyikin lähtemään.

Koko tarina on luettavissa tästä:

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”I have been friends with Jesper for a long time, probably ten years. We met for the first time when I was working for IN FLAMES as a pyro technician back in the day. That was also when I got to know Peter. We had been friends since then. I was considering to make a solo album, and I would say that I have no idea what I’m going to do, but I’m probably going to write some songs as well. And he asked me, ’Would you do the vocals on my solo album?’ And I said, ’Of course. Would you be interested in playing guitar on whatever I’m doing?’ And he said yes. And then we started to talk about what our solo albums, projects, whatever it was meant to be would sound like and when we were discussing that we just realized that okay, we want the same. We want to make the same album. So that’s where it all came to be and then we decided to start writing songs together. So, we were actually talking over a cup of coffee on a Friday and then on Monday we actually sat down in the studio and we started working on the first song. So that was really, really good. And then when we were doing the same thing there, we didn’t know what to do. But after a couple of songs, everything started to come together. Then Jesper said, ’Okay what are we going to do?’ And I said that I had the perfect drummer for this band, and that’s Alex Landenburg. I said that you are going to love this guy. And a couple of months later we all met, and Jesper and Alex became best friends instantly. And then Jesper said that it would be cool if Peter would like to join. And so we asked him and he was still the bassist for IN FLAMES, and he said, ’Yeah, absolutely, I will gladly jump on board of this ship. But just to let you know, I am going to still be a member of IN FLAMES as well.’ We were cool with that and then things happened like they did. Peter eventually decided to part ways with IN FLAMES. So now we’re here recording the first album.”

Jake E kertoi AntiHero -lehdelle CyHran musiikillisen tyylin saaneen vaikutteita useista eri bändeistä.

”It is hard to describe what we sound like because we’ve been writing for almost a year. We’ve been influenced by so many different bands. We are, of course, influenced by ourselves. Because like, as the main songwriter in all our different projects before, you know, like, Jesper has his touch of things, I have the touch on my side, and also the other guys. Of course, you will find similarities in our former bands. But I won’t say that we have reinvented the wheel in any way, but it’s still something that sounds really, really fresh and new, even though music is music. You could always probably find similarities. But I would not say that it sounds like old Amaranthe, or that it sounds like In Flames. But you could completely, you know, recognize yourself within these boundaries.”

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