The Amity Affliction rumpali loukkaantui Warped kiertueella

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 20.6.2013

The Amity AfflictionAustralialaisen post-hardcore -yhtye The Amity Afflictionin rumpali Ryan Burt sai rumpukapulan hajotessa palasen sarveiskalvoonsa ja joutui hätäleikkaukseen. Onnettomuus sattui Warped kiertueella Yhdysvaltojen Portlandissa. Miehen tilalle astuu loppukiertueen Glass Cloudin rumpali Chad Hasty.

During our set at Warped Tour in Portland a few days ago, our drummer Ryan sustained an injury while performing. A piece of his drumstick chipped off going right into his cornea which caused a cut and required immediate eye surgery. We couldn’t make it to today’s Warped Tour set in San Diego however we’ll be back in Pomona. Our mate Chad from Glass Cloud will fill in behind the kit for the rest of the tour. We wish our brother a speedy recovery.

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