Andy La Rocque: ”King Diamondilla on mahtavia ideoita tekeillä olevalle uudelle albumille”

Kirjoittanut Sanna Lehtonen - 14.5.2018

King Diamondin kitaristi Andy La Rocque oli äskettäin italialaisen ”Heavy Demons” -radioshown haastateltavana. Yhtye alkaa työstää kauan odotettua seuraajaa edelliselle, vuonna 2007 ilmestyneelle ”Give Me Your Soul… Please ” -studioalbumilleen Abigail In Concert -kiertueen DVD- ja Blu-ray -julkaisujen valmistuttua. Haastattelussa La Rocque kertoi projektin olevan loppusuoralla:

”I’m doing the final touches with the live stuff that’s going to be released later this year with King Diamond, and it’s in the final phase now. It’s not a lot of things left, actually. Other than that, I’m working with Neil Turbin, the ex-Anthrax vocalist. I’m working with his stuff. There’s actually a lot of things going on — small things going on in the studio. It’s very hectic, but mainly, for the last couple of months, I’ve been working with this live DVD thing with King Diamond.”

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Haastattelussa La Rocque paljasti, että King Diamondilla on paljon hyviä ideoita uudelle albumille, ja että bändillä on jo hieman valmista materiaaliakin, josta lähteä liikkeelle. On siis vain ajan kysymys, milloin asiat rupeavat rullaamaan. Kitaristi arvioi albumin teon lähtevän kunnolla käyntiin kuukauden päästä:

”I talked to King last night, and he has some great ideas for the next album when it comes to the story and all that. He’s got a lot of ideas already — lines and rhymes and all that. I was actually surprised to hear how far he’s gotten with that. So far, I’ve got a few, I would say, not-complete songs, but I got a few songs and a lot of riffs that we’re going to try out for the next album. So we have started; it’s just a matter of time to get everything rolling. I would think about in a month or so, I will fly over to King in Dallas and make sure that everything works the way it should when it comes to his recording gear. He’s got his own recording studio, so I’ll fly over there, make sure everything works and start to set everything up so he can start composing songs on the computer.”

La Rocque kertoi haastettelussa myös muistoistaan King Diamondin mukana 1980-luvulla:

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”Oh, man. Some of the stuff was so crazy, I can’t even tell you. When you were young and the first couple of tours, everything was crazy, because it was a new experience, you know? Rolling around the U.S. and Europe, and we were young and hungry. We’re still hungry, but it was totally different back in the ’80s. A lot of partying and all that. That’s different now. You look at it in a different way now. I think you concentrate more on the music now and everything’s that’s around it.”

Kitaristi puhuu haastattelussa myös muun muassa suosikki King Diamond -albumistaan sekä siitä, miten hänen uransa lähti liikkeelle. Koko haastattelun voit kuunnella tästä:

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