Annalynn-yhtyeen vokalisti myöntää valehdelleensa syöpädiagnoosistaan saadakseen taloudellista hyötyä

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 22.11.2024

Thaimaalaisen metalcore-yhtye Annalynnin vokalisti Nathaphon ”Bon” Jutathaveewan on myöntänyt valehdelleensa syöpädiagnoosistaan saadakseen taloudellista hyötyä. Jutathaveewanin kerrottiin heinäkuussa sairastavan mahasyöpää, jonka vuoksi hänelle järjestettiin GoFundMe-keräys, hän keräsi rahaa myymällä oheistuotteita ja järjestämällä hyväntekeväisyyskonsertin valheellisesti väitetyn diagnoosin varjolla. Lisäksi yhtyeen ja heidän levy-yhtiönsä Greyscale Recordsin mukaan lahjoituksia tarvittiin sairauskulujen kattamiseksi, koska hän oli ”kotoisin kolmannen maailman maasta.”

Muutamaa kuukautta myöhemmin paljastui, että Jutathaveewan teeskenteli sairautensa kerätäkseen rahaa henkilökohtaisten velkojensa maksamiseen. Jutathaveewanin tunnustuksen jälkeen Annalynn on ilmoittanut, että myös heille valehdeltiin sairaudesta, eikä Jutathaveewan toimittanut missään vaiheessa heidän pyytämiään todisteita sairaudesta. Yhtye tiedotti: ”Välittömästi tästä hetkestä alkaen keskeytämme kaikki toimintamme, mukaan lukien esiintymiset, tuotteiden myynnin ja bändin nimen käytön kaikissa yhteyksissä. Me neljä olemme syvästi surullisia ja pettyneitä Bonin tekoihin. Kiitämme vilpittömästi kaikkia, jotka ovat tukeneet Annalynnia vuosien varrella.”

Jutathaveewan (jonka sosiaalisen median tilit ovat sittemmin kadonneet) kertoi Facebook-tiedotteessaan:

”I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to everyone for everything that has transpired, especially for both the deception around my health issues and the false claims that were made. I deeply regret my actions and fully accept responsibility for the mistakes I have made. I am truly sorry for the harm and distress this has caused.

The problems I have faced stemmed from personal financial struggles, including debts from illegal loans and poor business decisions that I failed to manage over the years. The situation escalated to the point where I couldn’t see a way out, and I was placed under immense pressure, both financially and personally, which led to the mistakes I made.

Unfortunately, I have betrayed the trust and kindness that so many of you have shown me. My poor decisions have impacted not only my own life but also the lives of others around me, and I deeply regret that.


I am now facing the consequences of my choices and have learned invaluable lessons from this experience. I am committed to doing everything in my power to make things right and resolve the situation as quickly as possible. I understand that my words cannot undo the damage that has been done, but I want to humbly ask for your forgiveness. I am truly sorry for the pain and inconvenience my actions have caused, and I am deeply remorseful for the trust I have broken.”

Annalynn kirjoitti pitkässä Instagram-tiedotteessaan (alkuperäisen löydät jutun lopusta):

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“Regarding the ongoing situation that has been widely discussed, the four of us would like to address the following issues:

Bon‘s Illness

  • When suspicions about Bon‘s illness first arose, the band held a meeting to discuss the matter. This meeting included a neutral witness. Bon was asked to provide documents or medical evidence to verify his claims in a legitimate and verifiable manner. Despite nearly two months passing, Bon has yet to produce any such evidence. We are still waiting for Bon to come forward and provide a clear explanation regarding this matter.
  • Fundraising T-Shirts:
    Bon claimed that proceeds from the sale of these shirts would be used to fund his medical treatment. At the time, we were unaware of the doubts surrounding his illness and allowed him to use ANNALYNN‘s social media accounts to promote the sale. However, we would like to clarify that the band was not involved in the production, sale, or handling of any proceeds. The t-shirts in question were not official ANNALYNN merchandise, and all revenue was handled solely by Bon.
  • Charity Concert by Prompts (Japan):
    Similarly, a concert organized by the Japanese band Prompts to raise funds for Bon‘s cancer treatment was entirely coordinated by Bon. The band had no involvement in planning or receiving any of the proceeds. Bon was the sole recipient of all funds raised from the event.

Bon‘s Personal Behavior

  • We have been informed by multiple individuals of instances where Bon engaged in deceitful behavior. We want to emphasize that the band was neither involved in nor benefited from these actions, whether they were personal or related to ANNALYNN. If Bon used the band’s name for personal gain, he did so without our knowledge or consent.

Due to Bon‘s illness claims, the band gained significant attention, leading to increased show bookings and merchandise sales. However, the band refrained from any activity during this time as we believed it would be inappropriate to act while key facts remained unclear.

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Effective immediately, ANNALYNN will suspend all activities, including performances, merchandise sales, and any use of the band’s name in any capacity.

Over the past months, we have made continuous efforts to contact Bon for updates and evidence, but communication has been inconsistent. Some members Of the band even received requests from victims to help contact Bon, but these attempts were also unsuccessful. Recently, Bon closed some of his social media accounts and left the band’s group chat.

A few days ago, after increasing pressure from both the band and victims, Bon confessed on his personal Facebook page that he had fabricated all claims, including his cancer diagnosis, fraudulent fundraising, and the use of other people’s names for personal gain.

If anyone has been affected by these actions, please reach out to the band for assistance.

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We, as the remaining members of ANNALYNN, deeply regret the pain and distress caused by Bon‘s actions. We understand the trust and support our fans, friends, and collaborators have placed in us over the years, and we are heartbroken that this trust was misused by someone we considered a brother. To everyone who was affected whether emotionally, financially, or otherwise we extend our sincerest apologies and condolences. While we had no involvement in these actions, we share the burden of responsibility for not identifying and addressing the issue sooner.

We are committed to assisting anyone who was impacted and will do our best to provide clarity and support as we navigate this difficult time.

The four of us are deeply saddened and disappointed by Bon‘s actions. We sincerely thank everyone who has supported ANNALYNN throughout the years.

Members of ANNALYNN
Eak, Pob, Boss, Mong“

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