Annihilatorin Jeff Waters kuvailee yhtyeen tulevaa albumia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.4.2015

Annihilator Band 2013 (2)Kanadalaisen thrash metal -yhtye Annihilatorin vokalisti / kitaristi Jeff Waters on antanut hiljattain haastattelun ”Do You Know Jack?” -nimiselle podcastille, jossa kuvailee yhtyeen tulevaa parhaillaan tekeillä olevaa albumia. Miehen mukaan albumista voidaan odottaa varsin erilaista verrattuna yhtyeen aikaisempiin albumeihin. Voit lukea Jeff Waterssin mietteitä albumista tästä:

”Just before you called, or as you called, I was just sort of… pre-mixing mode, basically. We’re just doing some backup vocals on Monday. And those consist of a bunch of guys standing around, all stinky and sweaty with bad breath, yelling into a microphone words like ’kill,’ ’die,’ ’hell’ and weird grunting noises. And that’s called backup vocals.”

”It’s studio CD number fifteen… Holy crap! Fifteen! Yeah, this is different. This one actually… You do all these records and… Almost every band usually says, ’Oh, yeah, this is the best album we’ve done for this many years.’ Or this and that. The smart ones say, ’This is the better, or best, one we’ve done in a few years. And the dumb ones say, ’This is the best album we’ve done since…’ And then they name their best album, and everybody goes, ’You’ve gotta be kidding me.’ Right?! So I’m kind of realistic on that.

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”Whenever we create or record a record, we always think it’s fantastic, and then, as every day trickles on after that, reality sets in and you realize, ’Okay, there’s five strong songs and three good ones and two that maybe we should have written and recorded two different ones. And then a few more months go by, and you realize, ’Okay, there’s three really strong ones, there’s three okay ones, and then there’s three stinkers.’ You know what I mean?! It’s just the nature of writing. And if all artists were honest about this to themselves, or to the press, at least, you would get that from everybody. Because there’s no way bands are doing ten classic songs per album anymore. There’s almost no records ever done like that since the early ’90s.”

”But as far as what I think of the new one… One thing I do know is that it’s different. It is definitely not along the beaten path that you would expect us to do after that that last record we did, ’Feast’. And that’s kind of weird, because the record company hasn’t heard it yet, and they are all hoping we get ’Feast No. 2’ happening here, because they made a minor metal killing on the last album, which was great for us. They did well, and we did well on this one. And they’re stepping everything up, so to speak, and we’re all excited about it, but I’m telling them, ’Please don’t expect it’s gonna be ’Feast’ but a bit better.’ It’s actually gonna be something quite different.”

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