Annihilatorin perustaja muistelee laulaja-kitaristi Paddenin lähtöä: ”Muutaman päivän luulin, että Annihilator lopettaa.”

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 7.1.2017

Kanadalaisen thrash metal -yhtyeen Annihilatorin perustaja sekä laulaja-kitaristi Jeff Waters antoi hiljattain haastattelun kreikkalaiselle Rock Overdose -lehdelle. Waters kertoi haastattelussa tammikuun 27. päivä julkaistavasta ”Triple Threat” –kokoelmalevystä, bändin kiertueesta sekä paljasti pian paneutuvansa uuden materiaalin kirjoittamiseen.

Haastattelun aikana Waters muisteli myös muutaman vuoden takaista tilannetta, kun bändin pitkäaikainen laulaja-kitaristi Dave Padden lähti yhtyeestä vuonna 2014. Lopulta Jeff Waters otti itse hoitaakseen laulajan pestin lyhyen pohdinnan jälkeen.

Jeff Waters on suuri Metallican ja Megadethin fani, ja kyseisiltä bändeiltä hän on ottanut inspiraatiota Annihilatorin edelliseen, vuonna 2015 julkaistuun ”Suicide Society” -albumiin. Nyt uutta materiaalia työstäessä hän pyrkii palaamaan yksilöllisempään tyyliin.

You know, it’s too early to know but the only thing I want to make sure is, there are two things I want to do or not do on this one. The last record, you could really hear my influences, you can hear in my voice the Hetfield and Mustaine, so I let my voice, that’s because I’m a big fan of them, and a couple of songs like ”My Revenge” and another one, sounded very much like Metallica and even Megadeth on another song. So, that’s more the fan part of Jeff Waters coming out in the music, so, the next one I want to do more Waters’ vocals, Waters’ style again, cause i remember that ”Alison Hell”, ”Never Neverland” and ”King of the Kill” were probably the most original sounding, that really sounded like me, like Annihilator.”

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”So I want go back, a little bit to that. And the other thing I want to do is, on ”Suicide Society” I really wanted to make the choruses very very catchy. That means you hear it once and you remember it. This time I’m not going to try this. I’m going to say that even if it’s a scream or something heavy, I’m not going to change and make it commercial and melodic and catchy. I’m just going to write the song and that’s how I worked the early days. I didn’t really worry about how easy it was to sing the chorus or for people to raise their fists and go, ‘Hey!’. I think I’m just gonna forget about that and just write it. Even if that means it’s heavy.

Jeff Waters kertoi Annihilatorin entisen laulaja-kitaristin Dave Paddenin yllättävästä lähdöstä vuonna 2014 juuri ennen ”Suicide Society” -levyn loppunauhoituksia. Waters hoiti itse albumin lauluosuudet, vaikka epäili hetken koituisiko Paddenin lähtö kohtalokkaaksi Annihilatorille.

”I simply had to sing on it because my partner in Annihilator, singer/ guitarist Dave Padden, quit very last minute on the last record. I finished all the music in the studio and I sang on all the songs, which I always do; singing all the songs to give a demo CD to Dave, to sing. ”

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”It turned out he had some personal issues back where he lived. It didn’t have to do with Annihilator, or the money or me. It was something back where he lived and he resigned, he just had to quit the band. He couldn’t commit to the touring. He couldn’t tour anymore.”

”So, for a very short time period, a couple of days, I thought Annihilator might be finished or maybe it’s time to stop. And, then, after a couple of days, I realized, ‘Fuck no! This is my life and I love it! I have another great record ready to go. Let’s find another singer!’. And, after a couple of weeks of looking for a singer, I said, ‘Fuck it! I’m doing it!’. You know, I was like, ‘I am gonna do this!’.

Waters tietää, ettei ole paras laulaja, mutta bändi ei aio hankkia uutta vokalistia.

”There’s always gonna be the question of… ‘Oh, are you gonna find another singer, somebody better?’ And I would say, ‘You know what? Unless Stu Block from Iced Earth or Rob Halford from Judas Priest want to join, uh-uh, I’m just gonna do it myself’.”

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