Anthrax-jäsenet muistelevat yhtyeensä 35 vuotista uraa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 19.7.2016

Anthrax 2016New Yorkissa perustettu thrash metal -jätti Anthrax aloitti musiikin historiaa muuttavan taipaleensa tänään 18.7. 35 vuotta sitten. Kitaristi Scott Ian muistelee yhtyeen 35-vuotista uraa seuraavasti:

”Thirty-five years have passed since that day and my life has changed profoundly. I am a husband, I am a father. I am a long way from the 17-year-old soon-to-be-college dropout who co-founded a heavy metal band. The only thing that hasn’t changed in 35 years, the one constant, is that I am still the rhythm guitar player in ANTHRAX. It’s what I get to do. I get to play in a band and I never take that for granted.”

Anthrax on 35 vuotisen uransa aikana myynyt yli 10 miljoonaa levyä, ja yhtye onkin palkittu useilla kulta- ja platinalevyillä. Muiden saavutusten ohella yhtye on ollut kuusi kertaa ehdolla Grammy-palkintogaalassa. Yhtye auttoi vuonna 1991 rikkomaan rotujen ja genrejen välisiä rajoja tekemällä yhteistyötä Public Enemyn kanssa ”Bring The Noise” -kappaleen parissa. Lisäksi Anhrax oli mukana thrash metalin kehittämisessä yhdessä muiden Big Four -jäsenten Metallica, Slayer ja Megadeth kanssa.

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Anthraxille on kertynyt pitkän uransa aikana monta hienoa muistoa. Yhtye kommentoi aihetta seuraavasti Facebook-kirjoituksessaan:

”So, with all those years, all those experiences, all those memories, what’s the one big takeaway experience that stands out for the guys? Was it when legendary author Stephen King included the band in one of his ’Dark Tower’ series books?
”Or in 2012 when Anthrax became the first metal band to have its music played on Mars, when NASA played ’Got The Time’ to wake up the Mars Rover, Curiosity? Or how about in 1991 when they received their first Grammy nomination? Maybe it was when the band was caught up in the 2001 U.S. anthrax attacks and considered changing their name due to the PR nightmare that was caused. Or possibly it was when Anthrax made a cameo appearance on the popular 1992 TV series, ’Married…with Children.'”
Yhtyeen riveissä vuodesta 1983 soittanut rumpali Charlie Benante kertoo omista mieleenpainuvimmista kokemuksistaan yhtyeen kanssa:
“We had such a ball doing that show. We taped the episode twice, once in the afternoon then another one in the evening, which was done with rewrites. They changed some of our lines, but we got bigger laughs the second time so it was all worth it. After the show, we went to a sit-down dinner with the entire cast and crew at a restaurant in Hollywood. Here I am sitting next to Al Bundy [played by Ed O’Neill), and I look over at the booth across from us, and there are Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman having dinner. Al said, ‘hey, let’s go talk to Clint and Morgan,’ and I went ‘whaaaaa???’ He took us over there and introduced us to them – and I’m thinking ‘where am I? Am I here right now? This is actually happening?’ It was just surreal. That stands out as one of the highlights. It wasn’t really a musical thing, but music got us to that. I’m just a guy in a band making music…what am I doing here with these stars?”
Anthraxiin 2013 liittynyt soolokitaristi Jon Donaisin mielekkäin muisto yhtyeeseen liittyen on hieman erilainen:
”It was probably 1989 or ’90, whenever the ’Anti Social’ video blew up at Dial MTV,” he remembers. ”It was the first time I’d ever heard Anthrax, and I immediately fell in love with the band.” Donais’ ”best Anthrax memory” now happens like Groundhog Day: ”I brought a tape of the Dial MTV performance to my guitar teacher and told him I wanted to learn how to play it. Now I get to play every night with the band!”
Ikimuistoisin hetki yhtyeen jäsenille saattoi olla syyskuun 14. päivä 2011, sillä se nimettiin  Anthrax-päiväksi Bronxissa New Yorkissa, ellei sitten Sofiassa Bulgariassa 22.6.2010 yhdessä Metallican, Slayerin ja Megadethin kanssa soitettu Big Four -konsertti. Scott Ianin mielekkäin muisto liittyy kuitenkin johonkin aivan muuhun:
”My ONE thing of thousands of things I’ve done in Anthrax that stands out the most in the world would be playing Yankee Stadium,” he said, referencing The Big Four’s second of only two U.S. concerts, held on September 14, 2011. ”For me that is the pinnacle. My mecca. The most NY thing a NY band could ever do. I got to play on stage on the field, in the building where so many of my heroes since I was a child played. It was surreal and overwhelming and I was in tears almost the entire first song, I had so much emotion pouring out of me. Like the words to the song say, I was ’King of the hill, top of the heap.’
”So, to quote the Scottish poet Robbie Burns,” Ian adds,”’Here’s to us; who is as good as us? Damn few, and they’re all dead.’ Thank you my friends…35 and counting.”


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