Anthraxin entinen laulaja John Bush olisi halukas soittamaan kiertueen laulaen Anthraxin aikaista materiaaliaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.2.2017

Thrash metal -legenda Anthraxissa vuosina 1992-2005 sekä 2009-2010 laulanut John Bush on antanut hiljattain Eonmusicille haastattelun, jossa Johnilta on kysytty miehen halukkuudesta soittaa kiertue vielä joskus Anthraxin aikaista tuotantoaan laulaen. John on haastattelussa todennut olevansa varsin kiinnostunut ajatuksesta ja todennut samaisessa yhteydessä sen olevan täysin mahdollista tavalla tai toisella. John kertoi asiasta seuraavaa:

”I’ve entertained it. I haven’t done anything to actually put that into motion, but I think it would be cool to do maybe a handful of shows. In what capacity, I don’t know, in what time frame, I don’t know.”

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”I’m pretty honest with my age, even though I feel like my voice is better than it’s ever been, and I certainly feel extremely youthful and exuberant on my fifty-three years of age. But I’m also getting older, so it’s not like this is something I’ll probably want to do when I’m sixty.

”But in terms of actually doing that, putting it into motion, having a discussion with those guys? I think they’re in a place where their band is comfortable, and I know Joey doesn’t want to have me come in and disrupt that, and I don’t want to do that; he’s a nice guy and that’s not my intention whatsoever.

”I couldn’t be happier with my place in ARMORED SAINT; these guys are my brothers, and I love what we did with [our latest album] ’Win Hands Down’. That being said, would it be cool to play a show or two and play some of those [ANTHRAX] songs? Yeah, but I don’t know when, how [or] why. I haven’t thought of that, quite honestly.”

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