Anthraxin Frank Bello: ”Nuorten bändien menestyminen yhä vaikeampaa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.5.2016

Anthrax_Hartwall_Arena_0712_2015_e_Pasi_Eriksson_PhotographyYhdysvaltalaisen thrash metalin veteraanin Anthraxin basisti Frank Bello on antanut hiljattain Evie Star Musicille videohaastattelun Rockville-festivaalin yhteydessä, jossa Frankilta on kysytty millaisia neuvoja hän haluaisi lähettää aloitteleville yhtyeille. Mies on haastattelussa todennut nuorten yhtyeiden menestymisen olevan yhä vaikeampaa taloudellisen tilanteen takia. Ohjeeksi menestykselle hän mainitsee kovan keikkailun, jonka kautta saa parhaiten sanaa levitettyä omasta yhtyeestä. Voit lukea Frankin ajatuksia aiheesta sekä nuorten yhtyeiden tilanteesta tästä:

”It’s harder now than ever, from what I can see. ’Cause I know; I’m in a band that’s been around for thirty years, and I see how hard it is for us. So I feel bad for the bands that are starting out now because there’s no outlets, and the only way you can do this is get on any show you can get. Just play your ass off, as we did. You have to get in a van, travel for one show, get on the road, and whatever you can do to promote your band and get that vibe going and that buzz. [There’s] gotta be fire in your gut. We all have this fire in our gut, like, ’This has gotta come out. I’ve gotta get this out.’ And it comes out in our music. That’s gotta feed you to stay on the road, to really do what you’ve gotta do, ’cause, look, you’re gonna smell, you’re gonna stay in the back of that van, and you’re gonna be hungry.”

”I remember in the early days [of ANTHRAX], [we were getting] five dollars a day, even when we had a record deal. Five dollars a day to eat, and that was breakfast, lunch and dinner, and that had to really last you, and at the end of the day, it did last you, so you picked a meal. So it was McDonald’s, Burger King, blah blah blah. But that’s the way it works. It’s all about the fire in your belly and believing in what you do. It’s tough, but if you really want it…”

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