Anthraxin Frank Bello: ”Slayerin lopettaminen on sama kuin menettäisi osan omaa perhettään”
The Aquarian Weekly on julkaissut sivustollaan artikkelin, jossa musiikkialalla työskentelevät ihmiset ja muusikot ovat muistelleet keikkalavat jättävää thrash metal -suuruus Slayeria. Anthraxin basisti Frank Bello, joka on viettänyt aikaa tien päällä Slayerin kanssa lukuisia kertoja vuosien saatossa, on kirjoittanut artikkeliin oman muistokirjoituksensa bändille. Bellon mukaan Slayerin jäsenistä sekä kiertuehenkilökunnasta on tullut vuosien saatossa hänelle kuin omaa perhettä, joten hänestä tuntuu kummalliselta ajatella, ettei hän enää koskaan näe osaa niistä ihmisistä, joiden kanssa hän on työskennellyt vuosikymmenten ajan. Bello kertoi aiheesta seuraavasti:
”I’ve known these guys since the eighties, and over the years, ANTHRAX and SLAYER have toured together so many times, we’ve all become genuine friends. We grew up together as musicians, and we’ve just become closer and closer over the years. When we’re on the road, we hang out at the shows and on days off, I’ll have breakfast with Tom [Araya] or dinner with Kerry [King], hang out with the crew or Mike LaTronico, their tour manager. I know their families and they know mine. These are really good people.”
”I’ll miss standing at the side of the stage trying to make Tom laugh – which he never does during a show. I’ll miss the ’after-show hangs’ in SLAYER’s dressing room with Kerry doing shots from his Jägermeister machine. Nobody can drink like Kerry King can, so I always asked for a ’half shot,’ which came to be known as the ’Bello shot.’ One thing I won’t miss is having too many ’Bello shots,’ and spending way too many nights on the floor of the bathroom in our bus. ANTHRAX played our last shows with SLAYER last month in South America, and I remember watching their set from the side of the stage thinking, ’I’m only going to see them play this song two more times after tonight.’ And then the next night, ’This is the second to the last time I’ll ever see them perform this song.’ And when I see them at Madison Square Garden [on November 9], it will be the last time I ever see them play those songs.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”With SLAYER and ANTHRAX, our techs, our bus drivers, truck drivers – for so many years – it’s been a family. And it’s hard to say goodbye to your family.”