Anthrax - Tuska 2019.

Anthraxin Scott Ian: ”Emme aio julkaista uutta albumia ennen kuin on varmaa, että pääsemme taas kiertueelle”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.10.2020
Anthrax – Tuska 2019.

Yhdysvaltalainen thrash metal -jättiläinen Anthrax ei aio julkaista tulevaa albumiaan koronapandemian aikana. Yhtyeen kitaristi Scott Ian on kertonut Knotfestin tuoreessa haastattelussa albumin julkaisun olevan täysin turhaa mikäli bändi ei pääse keikkailemaan sen tiimoilta ja sen vuoksi yhtye aikoo siirtää levynsä julkaisua siihen asti, että keikat taas jatkuvat. Scott Ian kertoi haastattelussa albumin julkaisusta seuraavaa:

“We started writing new Anthrax last year — obviously, without a crystal ball knowing what was going to happen in the world, but with the intent of having a record out this year. Obviously, that’s not happening now. So we’re still writing — we’re still working on it. The COVID has obviously put a crimp in our plans, because we can’t just get together and jam when we want to, and traveling has become not so easy, and all of that. So we’ve just been, slowly but surely, working on new material. And if anything, it just affords us more time to come up with more stuff.

“We’ve never been the kind of band to have, like, 30 songs, and then we’re gonna choose the best 10 — we’ve never done that. I think the most we’ve ever had was maybe two more than we needed for a record, and it’s usually pretty obvious, like, ‘These two aren’t gonna make the record.’ But maybe this time around we’ll end up with 15 songs or something. But because we’re afforded this much time to be writing, it’s not like we’re gonna know, ‘These are 10 for the record, and who knows what we’ll do with these five.’ So I have a feeling it’s gonna be more, like, we’re gonna have 15 album tracks. We’re not releasing a double record, if it’s up to me, because what a waste of material that would be. But I just like the fact that we will have a lot of great material.

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“Maybe sometime early next year we’ll be ready to go in and make a record — if it makes sense. I’ve said it before — I don’t wanna put a record out till we can play shows. For me, to put a record out in a vacuum, it makes no sense to me. I’m not gonna put a record out and not play proper gigs — I’m not gonna do that. So we have to be patient — everyone has to be patient.”

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