Anthraxin Scott Ian: ”Lemmyn kuolema jätti rock n´rolliin aukon jota ei voi koskaan paikata”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.1.2016

Anthrax Scott Ian 2015Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metalin legendan Anthraxin kitaristi Scott Ian on kirjoittanut RollingStonelle lyhyen muistokirjoituksen Motörheadin edesmenneeseen Lemmy Kilmisteriin liittyen. Voit katsoa miehen muistokirjoituksen Lemmylle tästä:

”MOTÖRHEAD were arguably one of the most important bands in the history of rock music. They were an amazingly hard-working band. They were out there touring every single year. There’s nobody else like that out there.

”It’s hard to think about a world without Lemmy. It’s been a constant in my life since 1980. It leaves a giant hole that will never be filled.

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”Even with Lemmy and his lifestyle — and he was 70 years old — there was an air of invincibility about the guy. He truly was a modern-day pirate. As much of a bummer as it is, I’m celebrating his life and the fact that he really did go out on top. He finished a tour two weeks ago playing headline shows at venues in Europe that were some of the biggest shows MOTÖRHEAD had ever done.”