Anthraxin Scott Ian lyttää taustanauhoihin nojaavat rockyhtyeet: ”Keikkalipussa pitäisi lukea, että 70 % keikasta tulee nauhalta”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -legenda Anthraxin kitaristi Scott Ian ei tunnustaudu kovinkaan suureksi taustanauhojen ystäväksi livekeikoilla. Mies on lytännyt vahvasti taustanauhoihin nojaavat rockyhtyeet tuoreessa Live From Nerdville With Joe Bonamassan haastattelussa todeten, että hänen mielestään pitäisi tulla ilmi keikkalippua ostettaessa, mikäli bändi käyttää liikaa taustanauhoja esityksensä tukemiseksi.

Scott Ian kertoi aiheesta omia ajatuksiaan seuraavasti:

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”I don’t wanna sound like an old man, but, I mean, come on. Look, I get it — if it’s some kind of giant pop act and giant production, or something like that, or if it’s Pink Floyd doing ’The Wall’ and there’s recorded stuff — voiceovers, whatever, things like that… But I hate going to a show and I just instantly know all the backing vocals are [pre-recorded].

I think Rob Zombie is someone who does it really well, because there’s a lot of stuff going on. You break Rob Zombie down, [and] it’s real simple — it’s guitar, bass, drums and his vocals. And they could do that fine and play their songs. But if you listen to the records, there’s lots of little spoken parts and things from movies and samples, and things like that, so if you’re running those tracks, it’s great, because it adds an attitude and an atmosphere that isn’t there if it’s just the guitar, bass, drums and vocals. And I think that’s great and that’s fine. But if you’re faking it, no — I don’t buy it.

I think it should actually be — I don’t know how it could be a law, but I think it should be printed on a ticket, that for bands that are doing that and [for] shows that are doing that, it should say, ’70 percent of the show you’re paying 250 dollars for is pre-recorded.’ It should say it on the ticket.”

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