Anti-Mortem lopettaa (2008-2014)

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 22.10.2014

Anti-MortemYhdysvaltalainen hard rock -yhtye Anti-Mortem on päättänyt lopettaa uransa. Bändin ainoaksi pitkäsoitoksi jäi aiemmin tänä vuonna julkaistu debyyttialbumi ”New Southern”. Bändi julkaisi asiasta virallisen tiedoitteen:

“Corey Nevada Rado Levi and Zain.. Anti mortem had the greatest times. We all learned alot. We all gained a lot of life experience. Everyone in this band tried their very best. We all love music and we love all the fans we ever made. Thank you so so much for all the help to get us here. Please check out everyones personal artist pags, I promise you we are not done with music.
If you felt the fire of anti mortem you know it burned in all five of us and it always will, so please find it in your hearts to support and love Levi and zain‘s and vada and rado‘s new endeavor. We will be making music till the day we die. We love every single one of you. Thank you for the best ten years.”

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