Apocalyptica julkaisi uuden singlen ”Talk To Me” – mukana Halestormin Lzzy Hale

Kirjoittanut Essi Markkula - 21.8.2020

Kotimainen sellometalliyhtye Apocalyptica julkaisi uuden singlen nimeltä ”Talk To Me”. Kappaleella vierailee yhdysvaltalaisen rockyhtye Halestormin laulaja Lzzy Hale. Apocalyptican Eicca Toppinen kertoo bändin ystävyyden Lzzy Halen kanssa kestäneen jo vuosia. Voit katsoa ja kuunnella uuden kappaleen ”Talk To Me” alta.

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Eicca Toppinen ja Lzzy Hale kertovat yhteistyöstään seuraavasti:

”After years of friendship we are more than happy to release a song together with the amazing Lzzy of Halestorm! This song has been in our minds for quite some time and we have been waiting for the right moment to finish it, and getting Lzzy to join us and perform in her outstanding way was a dream come true! We want to thank Lzzy and the whole Halestorm team for their great work and friendship.” -Eicca Toppinen

Apocalyptica and I have for years talked about doing something together, and the last time I saw Eicca Toppinen, in Helsinki, Finland during the 2019 Tuska Festival, he brought up the idea that we finally make that talk a reality. I’m so excited for the world to hear this song! Thank you so much to the entire Apocalyptica camp for being a part of our family all these years and for including me in this project!” -Lzzy Hale

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