Apocalyptican Eicca Toppinen paljastaa yhtyeen aikovan siirtyä studion uumeniin toukokuussa nauhoittamaan seuraavaa albumiaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.4.2023

Kotimainen sellorockia soittava Apocalyptica on siirtymässä studion uumeniin toukokuussa nauhoittamaan tulevaa albumiaan. Yhtyeen perustajiin lukeutuva Eicca Toppinen on paljastanut asian tuoreessa El Cuartel Del Metalin haastattelussa kertoen suuntaavansa studioon Los Angelesissa nauhoittamaan albumia tulevan Etelä-Amerikan kiertueen jälkeen, joka loppuu huhtikuun lopussa. Toppinen kertoi yhtyeen suunnitelmista tulevan konseptialbumin suhteen seuraavaa:

”We have one song, we are just waiting for the singer to get into the studio, to get it finished. And then we have other ideas. And actually in May we will start to record the next album. So I’ve been, all day today, in rehearsals for that. I am actually going, straight from Buenos Aires at the end of [the South American] tour [on April 30], I’m going to Los Angeles to start the recording. We’re not gonna do it at once. We’re gonna do it during this year, and it’s gonna be out sometime next year. And even we are focusing on that album — it’s a concept album; I won’t tell the concept yet — but then even we are working on the album, we are also working on other songs which we want to put out before the album will be out.”

Kysyttäessä kuinka Apocalyptica aikoo julkaista musiikkia tulevalta albumiltaan, kertoo Toppinen seuraavaa:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

”The modern world has changed so that in the old times you made the album and then you tour for three years or something. And then you have a little break and then you start to work on the next album. And that was kind of the release cycle. But now it feels like you have to, in a way, also to release music all the time, or regularly, because that’s kind of what the modern world seems to demand. You need to be active. And it’s kind of fun, Tour, make music, tour, make music — it’s not either or; you can do both things at the same time. And I like the change. I like switching from being a performing band into being a creative band. I very much like it.”