Architectsin laulajalta Sam Carterilta lastenkirja yhdessä puolisonsa kanssa: kirjan tuotoista suurin osa ohjataan hyväntekeväisyyteen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.4.2022

Architects-laulaja Sam Carter on julkaisemassa uuden lastenkirjan, jonka hän kirjoitti yhdessä vaimonsa Abby Kirkin kanssa. Sophia Fox Dog Gets Adopted -niminen kirja tulee saataville tänään kello 11.00 Suomen aikaa osoitteessa Siinä esillä oleva tarina on saanut inspiraationsa pariskunnan omasta pelastuskoirasta. Puhuessaan intohimoprojektistaan Instagramin kautta Carter kertoi siitä seuraavaa:

“I’m so extremely excited to announce that myself and my fiancé have written a children’s book starring none other than @sophiafoxdog this is something I’ve always wanted to do and I’m so stoked that we’re doing it!

“Sophia Fox Dog Gets Adopted” was written by Sam Carter and Abby Kirk when Abby was working in a school with many children who had been in foster care or through the adoption process. They realised that their stories were largely not represented in childrens books and wanted to write a book for the class to show that their stories were important too.

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The story also aims to teach children to think about what rescue dogs may have gone through in the past before finding their adoptive families. This is a cause close to our hearts and large portion of the proceeds will go to @wunderdogrescue_ and @romanian.rescue.appeal to help more dogs like Sophia find their forever families.

You can also get your hands on a Sophia Plushie and a signed card from Myself & Abby and a Pawprint from the star herself Sophia

This has been in the works for a long time and I’m so happy to finally be able to share it with you! Thank you @mddnco for believing in us and this book and thank you @chexnerxvic for doing such an incredible job on the illustration ❤️

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Sophia Fox Dog Gets Adopted is out
Friday 9am GMT from ❤️”

Kirjan tuotoista suurin osa lahjoitetaan Wunder Dog Rescuelle ja Romanian Rescue Appealille, jotta useammat Sophian kaltaiset koirat löytäisivät uuden hyvän kodin.