
Architectsin rumpali kertoo ensi kertaa julkisesti kitaristiveljensä menehtymisestä syöpään

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 12.3.2017

Englantilaaisen metalcore-yhtye Architectsin kokoonpanossa tapahtui viime vuonna traaginen muutos, kun yhtyeen kitaristi Tom Searle menehtyi elokuussa syöpään 28-vuotiaana kolmen vuoden taistelun jälkeen. Tomin yhtyeessä rumpuja soittava veli Dan on nyt puhunut tämän kuolemasta ensi kertaa julkisesti ystävänsä Daniel P. Carterin ”Someone Who Isn’t Me” -podcastissa ja voit lukea hänen mietteitään tästä:

”Recently I sat down with my friend, Dan Carter, to talk publicly for the first time about Tom’s death. For whatever reason, I felt the need to let people know certain things about the way Tom handled his illness, especially during the last year of his life. It’s easy to draw conclusions about the way in which he approached his situation based on how other people you know may have dealt with cancer, but it’s also easy to be misled from the truth by lyrics that he wrote too. That’s not to say that his lyrics weren’t genuine, but that they were simply a snapshot of a moment in time, a healthy way to exorcise his darker moments, and a way for him to find peace whilst in a position that creates so much distress.”

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”I wanted to make sure that this conversation took place in a format that was unedited and available to anyone, for free, anywhere in the world. I know a lot of people cared about Tom, and I know that his death hit people hard, all around the world. I felt that there were things that those people deserved to know.”

”This conversation was something that I approached Dan about doing. He kindly and graciously agreed to meet with me, and I thank him enormously for facilitating the opportunity to do something that I really felt I had to do. Honestly, it was much harder than I had expected. I get emotional throughout, so please bear with me whilst you listen, it was sometimes a challenge to say what I wanted to say.”

”Much love to you all and thank you for your support.”

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Dan x