Arizonan death metal -ylpeys Gatecreeper sopimukseen Nuclear Blastin kanssa
Yhdysvaltalainen death metal -yhtye Gatecreeper on solminut sopimuksen Nuclear Blast Recordsin kanssa. Yhtye on kertonut tuoreesta sopimuksestaan seuraavaa:
“We are excited to start the next chapter of Gatecreeper with Nuclear Blast. We look forward to continuing the growth of our band with Monte Conner and the rest of the label.”
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Nuclear Blastin A&R legenda Monte Conner on kertonut sopimuksesta seuraavaa:
”I love Chase and Gatecreeper’s killer work ethic and their marriage of brutality with actual songs. I am so excited to hear what they come up with next but I KNOW it will be their ultimate album. I am honored they have chosen Nuclear Blast and me to be part of their continuing mission for world domination.”
Gatecreeper 2021:
Chase “Hellahammer” Mason – Vocals
Eric “The Dark Cowboy” Wagner – Guitar
Israel Garza – Guitar
Sean Mears – Bass
Matt Arrebollo – Drums