As I Lay Dyingin Tim Lambesiksen kipparoimalta Born Through Firelta uusi albumi huhtikuussa: Uusi kappale ”The Reckoning” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.3.2023

Yhdysvaltalaisesta metalcoren jättiläisestä As I Lay Dyingista tunnettu laulaja Tim Lambesis on julkaisemassa Born From Fire -nimisen sivuprojektinsa kanssa uuden albumin nimeltä ”Purify and Refine” huhtikuun 7. päivä Seek And Strike Recordsin kautta. Tim Lambesis kertoo yhtyeen tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:

”Before I started doing music full time again, I worked at a recovery center as a case manager and group therapy facilitator. It was incredibly formative and meaningful work to me. I started writing lyrics for ’The Reckoning’ in regards to a friend of mine struggling with addiction, but shortly into writing I realized how much I relate to the way unhealthy coping methods and destructive behaviors can take hold. While the song isn’t directly about my life, there isn’t a single section of it that doesn’t also apply to me at one point in my life. I’m hoping other people can relate to wanting to be free from harmful patterns. Moving forward often requires new environments, new interactions and addressing the root of what drives us subconsciously. This is also why I became part of the team that started the non-profit group, Reintegration, for people who need help coming out of whatever their version of rock bottom might be.

The video for ’The Reckoning’ fits the lyrical metaphor of struggling to breathe while performing. At times I’m literally holding my breath underwater, and there are plenty of moments where Joey is inhaling rain while trying to stay focused on crushing riffs. We chose this song as our first single because it encompasses both the riffs and rhythmic sides of our songwriting, while still having just enough melody to convey the emotion of the lyrics.”

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Yhtye, jossa vaikuttaa Tim Lambesiksen lisäksi Joey Alarcon (Wolves At The Gates) on nyt julkaissut tulevalta albumiltaan videon ”The Reckoning” -kappaleesta ja voit katsoa videon tästä: