As I Lay Dyingin Tim Lambesis: ”Yksi elämäni tärkeimmistä asioista on saada tekemäni vahingot korvatuksi”
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcorea soittavan As I Lay Dyingin laulaja Tim Lambesis tuomittiin kuudeksi vuodeksi vankilaan vuonna 2014 oikeuden todettua tämän syylliseksi vaimonsa tapon suunnittelusta. Tim vapautui vankilasta kuitenkin vuoden 2017 alussa ja vuonna 2018 bändi ilmoitti kyseenalaisesta paluustaan takaisin parrasvaloihin. Yhtye kiertää parhaillaan keikkalavoja Euroopassa ja esiintyi Saksassa juuri hiljattain uransa suurimmalle yleisölle. Tim Lambesis on nyt julkaissut bändin omalla Facebook-sivulla pitkän kirjoituksen, jossa kiittää faneja tuesta vaikeina aikoina ja kertoo yrittävänsä kaikin mahdollisin keinoin saada tekemänsä vahingot läheisilleen korvatuksi. Voit lukea kirjoituksen tästä:
”I stand against who I became in my past and am pursuing a new purpose in the rebirth of AILD. We collectively are.
”People who support AILD are not supporting the person I once was, because part of my life’s work now is to undo the hurt I’ve caused and to help others in addiction. Instead, I think AILD fans are supporting the belief that people can change.
”I will never be able to undo my greatest mistake, but I believe it’s better to do something rather than give up.
”AILD collectively condemns all forms of domestic abuse and violence. Its aftermath is one of pervasive, long-lasting hurt and there is no acceptable excuse or defense for such behavior. Our agenda as a band is to actively back and work with organizations who offer support to those who are emotionally suffering and in pain. Whether it be from a history of abuse, hardship, or mental illness — pro-activity in healing and recovery is at the core of what this band is now.
”Tonight we’ll play the biggest headline show of our career (topping our second biggest headline show earlier on this same tour). Our fans in Germany did not know this when they bought their tickets, but we will be donating a portion of proceeds from our show to HeartSupport; an organization we believe in that functions to provide emotional support and counseling to young adults caught in cycles of addiction, depression, sexual abuse, and family turmoil. Our mission is to continually seek and implement ways to facilitate positive, meaningful change in the world around us.
”For now, we don’t want to miss out on bringing purpose into our biggest moment yet. We’ve been given a second chance we thought we’d never have again and we certainly don’t take it for granted.”