Asinhell julkaisi ”Pyromantic Scryer” -musiikkivideon

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 24.4.2024

Tanskalaisesta Volbeatista tutun Michael Poulsenin perustama Asinhell -yhtye on julkaissut musiikkivideon ”Pyromantic Scryer” -kappaleelle. Kappale on jonkinasteinen kunnianosoitus edesmenneelle L.G. Petroville (Entombed).
Poulsen kommentoi kappaletta:

‘Pyromantic Scryer‘ was the first song I wrote for the album and it surely has an Entombed vibe, and as I’ve said before, it was L.G. Petrov who kick started the birth of Asinhell.”

Vokalisti Marc Grewe (Insidious Disease) lisää:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

“Pyromancy is the ‘art’ of prophecy/augury by any means of fire. The song is about a mad man who thinks he can predict the future from fires. Fires he sets himself. In his delusion, he thinks he is a misunderstood messiah. The song can also been seen metaphorical on some things that are going on (and wrong) in the world of today… a small spark of a mad man (or group/cult) can set the world on fire. I think the video created by Shan Dan shows this dangerous behavior in a quite drastic way!”