Asking Alexandria suunnittelee uuden albumin työstämistä ensi vuoden puolella

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 26.11.2016

Asking Alexandria 2014Asking Alexandrian rumpali  James Cassells antoi hiljattain haastattelun KFMX -radiokanavalle, jossa kertoi yhtyeen suunnittelevan uuden materiaalian työstämistä ja studiooon siirtymistä ensi vuoden puolella laulaja Danny Worsnopin kanssa. Yhtye haluaa jatkaa taipalettaan ”The Black” -albumilta eteenpäin ja luoda Dannyn kanssa uuden levyn. Asking Alexandria on tällä hetkellä ”10 Years in the Black” -kiertueella, joka juhlistaa Sumerian Recordsin 10-vuotista taivalta. Keikkojen settilistaan ei kuulu yhtään kappaletta Asking Alexandrian edelliseltä ”The Black” -albumilta, jonka bändi teki yhdessä lyhytaikaisen laulaja Denis Shaforostovin kanssa. Katso rumpalin kommentit haastattelusta tai kuuntele radiohaastattelu tästä:

”Don’t get me wrong: we all love ’The Black’, we had a great time recording it, and we toured it for a year and a half around the world. We’ve had a great time on it, but I think that whole chapter of our lives is now… It’s time to go to the next step. ’The Black’ was the album we needed to release at the time, but now I feel like we’re gonna go back to doing what we were doing with Danny, and we’re gonna be moving forward with new music.”

Rumpali jatkoi:

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”We toured literally the globe on that album — everywhere from Australia to South America to Europe and North America… everywhere, man — we did some extensive touring on this, so I think a lot of fans that do like it got to see it, and it’s cool, but now it’s time to look for the next chapter, the next step.”

Danny Worsnopin kanssa uudelleenaloitetusta yhteistyöstä rumpali kommentoi:

”Before this tour, I’d only spoken to Danny once very briefly, [and] some of the [other] guys [in the band] hadn’t spoken to him at all. We needed to make sure that we would still enjoy touring together. That was a question that we were all asking ourselves, and it’s not like we don’t know if we can fucking handle it, but when you’ve been away from playing music on stage with someone for so long, that question does arise. But we’ve just hit the halfway mark on the tour, and it’s been amazing — it’s probably been one of my favorite tours, I think, I’ve ever [done] in my career, and we’re having a great time. So now [that we know] we can obviously perform together better than ever, the shows are doing great, now it’s, like, ’Let’s get some music written.'”

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Tulevan vuoden suunnitelmista Cassells kertoo:

”I think in the coming year, we’re really gonna get ourselves in the studio and start working on new material. We already have — Ben [Bruce, guitar] and me and the guys, we are constantly writing music; that’s a constant thing — but we are actually gonna go get in the studio with Danny, go lock ourselves away for a bit and really work on some great new material for people… We are gonna lock ourselves away. It might take a minute, which I think that’s good. Danny’s a busy guy — he’s got a lot of projects on at the moment. We’ve been touring pretty much constantly for a while now. Having a little bit of time to lock ourselves away, get creative, get back in that flow. So, yeah, the next year, though, is gonna be a busy year for us — not so much in the forefront, like playing shows etc., but for us as musicians, we’re gonna be in the studio, we’re gonna be in the practice space, we’re gonna working. There’s gonna be a lot of work going on, man.”

Uutiskuva: Asking Alexandrian promokuva

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