Asking Alexandria Tampereella 20.3.

Asking Alexandrian Danny Wornsnop kosi tyttöystäväänsä kesken keikan viime viikonloppuna

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 7.8.2018

Asking Alexandria -yhtyeen nokkamies Danny Wornsnop on kosinut tyttöystäväänsä Victoria Potteria kesken keikan viikonloppuna EST Fest V -tapahtumassa, joka järjestettiin Yhdysvalloissa Ohiossa, Butlerin kaupungissa. Wornsnop jakoi Instagram-tilillään seuraavan päivityksen kosinnasta:

“Yesterday I took a little detour in our show to do something that’s been on my mind for a long time now. This woman has carried me through so much. She taught me to open up, to let love in, to be vulnerable, and to be true to myself.

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She has loved me through my crazy and my quiet, when I’m the hardest to love. She holds me when I break, and pushes me when I don’t think I’m enough. Because of her I wake up every day a better man than I was the day before. She will never know just how special she is to me, or just how much love I have for her… but that isn’t going to stop me from doing everything I can to show her for the rest of our lives. She is my angel and I’m never letting go.

I am the luckiest and happiest man in the world.

The song is called Angels, and will be coming out very soon along with the rest of this video. Keep yer peepers peeled! (thank you @sanjayparikhphoto and @chadmartel for capturing this moment)”

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