At The Gates ei ole vielä päättänyt aikooko se tehdä uutta albumia

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 13.7.2016

At The Gates 2014Agoraphobic News haastatteli ruotsalaisen At The Gatesin vokalisti Tomas Lindbergia Novi Sadissa 7.-10.7. järjestetyillä Exit-festivaaleilla. Kun Lindbergilta kysyttiin näkeekö yhtye itsensä melodisen death metalin kantaisänä, hän vastasi:

”No. [Laughs] We just try to be ourselves, really. There are a lot of other bands that have more sense of melody, maybe. There’s DISSECTION, you have EUCHARIST… A lot of those old bands have maybe a more melodic feel than AT THE GATES had. We were a little bit more brutal, actually, I think.”

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”We don’t know that yet. I mean, this is the last summer on this record. And then we’re gonna take a break to see where we are and what we wanna do, really. I mean, we are five friends for a long time, so let’s see what happens. But… Yeah, I can’t answer that question right now. [Laughs]”

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