Photo credit: Ester Segarra

At The Gatesin alkuperäinen kitaristi Anders Björler tekee paluun yhtyeeseen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.10.2022

Ruotsalainen melodisen death metallin esi-isä At The Gates on ilmoittanut bändin alkuperäisen kitaristin Anders Björlerin tekevän paluun yhtyeeseen. Björler korvaa tehtävässä yhtyeen riveistä hiljattain potkut saaneen Jonas Stålhammarin. Yhtyeen laulaja Tomas Lindberg kertoo Anders Björlerin paluusta takaisin yhtyeeseen seuraavaa:

“It is with great pleasure we welcome Anders Björler, one of the founding members, back into the band. We are excited to tell you that we are already starting the work on the follow up to ”The Nightmare of Being”, with the same line up that wrote ”Terminal Spirit Disease”, ”Slaughter of the Soul” and ”At War with reality”. Anders first show back in the band will be Damnation Fest in the UK, and he will join us on the European tour together with In Flames later this year. Great Times! It really feels like a second rebirth of the band, and we are looking forward to this new chapter!”

Andreas Björler on puolestaan kommentoinut paluutaan seuraavasti:

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Mainos päättyy

 “”It feels like coming home for sure. I have been missing the guys of course, but also playing the guitar, writing music and the artistic creativity in general. I’ve been watching from the sidelines for a number of years, and I’ve been very proud of what they have created in my absence. I am really looking forward to writing a new album and getting back to playing live shows again…”