At The Gatesin laulaja Tomas Lindberg palasi Lock Upin riveihin – luvassa uusi albumi

Kirjoittanut Suvi Seppänen - 5.2.2021

Monikansallinen grindcore-yhtye Lock Up on saanut riveihinsä toisen laulajan Kevin Sharpin (ex-Brutal Truth) rinnalle, kun yhtyeessä vuosina 2002–2014 vaikuttanut vokalisti Tomas Lindberg (At The Gates) on liittynyt takaisin yhtyeeseen. Yhtye työstää parhaillaan ”The Dregs Of Hades” -nimellä kulkevaa albumia, joka on tarkoitus julkaista syksyllä 2021 Listenable Recordsin kautta. Lindberg hehkuttaa yhtyeeseen paluutaan näin:

”I can´t begin to explain how chuffed I am to be back with these, my favourite grinding beasts. When Shane approached me about rejoining, being part of a dual vokill attack together with Kevin, I said yes straight away. I love the ”Demonization” album, and Kevin’s vocal delivery there. So, I was very curious and excited to work together with him, writing and arranging lyrics. My idea is that we have very different vocal styles, and that deathgrind fans now will get the best of both worlds. Adding Adam Jarvis to the mix has been nothing but a success as well, his relentless bashing has mos def added an extra dimension to the Lock Up sound. It will be a total blast performing these new tracks in front of a crowd, these are full on old-school deathgrind ragers! Again; chuffed!”

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Yhtyeen perustajajäsen ja basisti Shane Embury kommentoi kahta vokalistia seuraavalla tavalla:

”I have said before on many occasions that creating songs, recording and playing shows with LOCK UP since the band’s inception in 1998 has always been hinged on madness and old-fashioned grindcore comradery ! When we discussed the possibility of another album it made sense I felt to push the insanity further down the rabbit hole and ask Tompa to rejoin “The Dregs of Hades“ to front the band alongside Kevin Sharp – ha! I have always loved that two singer approach, if done right it’s marvellous dynamics, and believe me, this next album is doing it right!!! When festivals do finally return it’s gonna be a lot of fun and that’s what counts in the end… be prepared!”

Syksyllä julkaistava albumi tulee olemaan yhtyeen ensimmäinen vuonna 2020 liittyneen Adam Jarvisin kanssa.

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