Attila antoi kenkää rumpalilleen Bryan McClurelle entisen tyttöystävän syytettyä tätä raiskauksesta
Yhdysvaltalainen, metalcorea soittava Attila on antanut kenkää rumpalilleen Bryan McClurelle miehen entisen tyttöystävän Eileen Andersonin paljastettua Twitterissä tämän raiskanneen hänet yhtyeen kiertuebussissa toukokuussa 2018. Voit lukea Eileenin julkaiseman kertomuksen tapahtumien kulusta sekä raiskauksesta tästä:
Eileenillä on myös todistusaineistoa tapahtuneesta viestien muodossa. Viimeisimmät viestit ovat huhtikuulta 2019:
Yhtye on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen, jonka mukaan se on erottanut rumpalinsa. Voit lukea tiedotteen tästä:
“Over the last 4 years, Attila has been a three piece band. We were absolutely disgusted to learn of some recent events surrounding a touring member of the band, and earlier this week we parted ways with that member. We do not condone his actions, and we stand with the victims. We are deeply sorry to those affected and want nothing more than love and healing for them.
– Fronz, Chris, & Kalan.”
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Myös bändin laulaja Chris Fronzak on ollut hyväksikäyttösyytösten kohteena viime aikoina. Miehen entinen tyttöystävä Roxy Vienna syyttää tätä seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä. Voit lukea naisen tviitit tästä:
We started talking a couple hours before we first met at a show in europe in 2018 when i was 17. Before they played their set we started drinking a bit and i felt quite drink already. After the show tho is when he got me really drunk.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
Then he kept telling me how pretty i am and that i should come join him in the shower to hook up.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
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We ended up having sex in the shower. After that i blacked out for several hours i think. I know we hooked up a second time in his bunk but i was so drunk i wasn't in the right state to consent. I also only remembered that this happened like a month after the show.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
I must admit i wasn't being honest with him and told him i was 19. I know this is gonna make people question everything but that's what happened so i'm gonna say it. I did this because I was kind of a fan and would've done anything to make them happy and get closer to them and –
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
-i honestly thought i would never see him again anyways, let alone thought that we would hook up. But i'm pretty sure even if i would've told him my real age the story wouldn't have changed. A year later they were back on tour in europe and he had messaged me a couple months-
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
-before that he wants to hang out with me again. After that he had gotten a gf so i didn't think anything would happen again and was comfortable with going to the show. This time a friend was with me. Oh boy was i wrong.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
At that the show he always got me really drunk and he knew what he was doing. He kept handing me drinks telling me to "down all of it"
After their set when everyone was packing aways he messaged me this. (Leaving out my friends name for privacy)
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
We then hung all hung out in the bus and he kept asking me to hook up and i told him no several times because he was in a relationship. When that didn't work he whispered in my ear that he knows about my secret. I asked him what he meant and he said-
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
-"i know you lied to me about your age and i don't even care but now you have to make it up to me"!!! (I told everyone at that show my real age keep that in mind) This man tried to guilt trip me into sleeping with him. I still kept saying no.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
At one point he even tried to drag me into his bunk and i had to hold onto smth so that wouldn't happen. I'm sure he was just making a joke but it still really upset me and freaked me out.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
In the next screenshots you can see how much he tried to get me to hook up and after he repeatedly saying no he just replied with "k" and seemed really pissed.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
When you're that young and look up to someone you just don't want to get mad at you and are easily manipulated into things you don't even wanna do. I didn't realize how wrong all of that was until recently. I still feel guilty about lying to him about my age and i know that-
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
-was not okay in any way but neither is what he had done. And i know i wasn't the only person he did this to. He's aware of what he's doing and is using his power to manipulate younger girls. Please don't fall for the same mistakes i did.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
I personally don't even mind that i was so young, this isn't my main point. My main point is that he is manipulating and guilt tripping in order to get what he wants.
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
I also just wanna add if there's anyone else who has a similar story you can talk to me! Or if you're comfortable enough you can add to this. I wanna try and help all of you!
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 17, 2020
Girls have been coming forward telling me the same thing happened to them. This isn't a coincidence. He knows what he's doing. (The girl that sent me this wanted to stay anonymous🖤)
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 18, 2020
Girls have been coming forward telling me the same thing happened to them. This isn't a coincidence. He knows what he's doing. (The girl that sent me this wanted to stay anonymous🖤)
— roxy (camera emoji) (@roxyvienna) June 18, 2020
Chris on julkaissut aiheeseen liittyen seuraavan virallisen viestin sosiaalisessa mediassa:
“Hey what’s up this is Fronz and as you know there’s always two sides to every story. So here’s my side: first things first, I am not a pedophile, I have 0 desire to hook up with anyone underage and I’m strongly against that. At the end of 2018, my band was on tour in Europe and when we were on tour in Austria I met up with a girl named Roxy Vienna. I didn’t seek this girl out, she was simply in my green room, already drinking. We had some drinks together, we had a really good time.
And as things started to heat up, I asked her her age in which she proceeded to tell me she was above age. I checked her ID, in which she had a fake ID that said she was above age. We hooked up, that was that. Flash forward a year later it’s 2019—end of 2019, we’re back on tour in Europe. She comes out with her friend—they always come out together. It’s fun, we vibe, we drink. Once again they’re backstage, already drinking.
You guys know me, I’m in Attila, I’m very hospitable. Any guys, girls, guests—I’m always giving them drinks. I’m not forcing people to get drunk. I just want everyone to be happy and comfortable, that’s it. So we’re having a great night, once again, not a big deal, no one was blackout drunk. We had an early bus call that night so we didn’t hook up. And the next day Roxy messages me saying ‘I really regret not hooking up with you, me and my friend want to come out again to another date, so we can do it.’
And it’s at this point where she explains to me that she in fact lied about her age a year ago. Which was really offsetting and I’m upset about myself for knowing that and still hanging out with her, but we had a good time that night, once again, nobody was blackout. We hooked up and that was that. Since then we still talk. We’ve FaceTimed since that tour. We text, she sends memes in my messages and stuff. And I think that’s part of why I’m confused right now.
But I also have very strong reason to believe that my ex-girlfriend is playing a very large role in this—in fact I know she is. She’s very upset at me because I cheated on her. And I regret that, I made a mistake, I cheated on you. I’m sorry. But I really don’t think that this is a justifiable cause to come out here and try to ruin my life because you’re upset that I cheated on you.
Because I know that you’re teaming up with Roxy to do this and it’s making me really upset. Like, I’m very proud of what I do and everything I do is to support my family and my children. And you’re really… it’s really messing with me and I’m really upset. But that’s all I’m gonna say. I’m not gonna further dive into this topic right now. But I do have a lawyer, so if anyone has any additional concerns, I will happily link you to my lawyer and that’s all I have to say about this situation.”
Twitterissä hän puolestaan kommentoi aihetta seuraavasti:
Hi everybody. If you've taken the time to read through everything and watch my videos then you already know that this allegation is a completely false narrative. If you still don't understand I will gladly explain. Let's begin:
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
To @roxyvienna– YOU KNOW THE TRUTH!!! So why not tell the truth? Why did you only post "selective" screenshots? Post the screenshot of you saying how much you "regretted" not sleeping with me and how you were going to come back to ANOTHER tour date (which you did)!
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
If your experience hanging out with me was so truly terrible then why were you so excited to keep coming back over and over again??? Why were we laughing together and sharing memes?
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
You didn't blackout & you didn't forget. Even your best friend who was by your side knows the truth. You bragged about fucking me days later! Shit, here's a screenshot of you bragging about fucking me a few months ago… You can deny its about me but it's black & white.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
To my ex gf @babygunk– Where to even begin. There's so much to unravel that no one knows. Why on earth would she be so persistent about "canceling me"? Here's why- Her & I got back together AFTER I cheated on her (February) & we actually just recently broke up! (One month ago)
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
She was very adamant about letting me know "this HAS TO BE SECRET. No one in the world can know that we are back together. I don't want people to tell me I'm stupid because I already dragged you on the internet before."
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
Notice how in this tweet Roxy says "I NEVER SAID RAPE! DEM said it was rape!" Woah, so you're telling me Demerie from California magically teleported 6,000 miles to Austria and watched us fuck and determined our consensual sex was rape? Fascinating isn't it?
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
When Roxy reached out to Dem to apologize that I cheated on her, Dem thought she found a pot of gold. They plotted this for a week in a group chat where they turned this into a "joke". Sexual misconduct is not a joke. "Cancel gang gang". Are you serious? This is humorous to you?
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
So after @babygunk realizes her initial efforts to cancel me have failed, what could she possibly do as her next move? She decides to drag & abuse @caitlinwoah who is also her "arch nemesis". I never cheated on Demerie with Caitlin. Not even close. She never believed.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
Here's some screenshot examples of how obsessed Demerie was with Caitlin. Not a day went by where I didn't hear about Caitlin either through text or phone call.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
Wanna know the fucked up thing? Woke Twitter was so quick to accuse me of grooming and abusing @caitlinwoah, even tagging her & using her photos unauthorized, but not a SINGLE person reached out to her to see if she was okay….. Not one.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
Imagine she was actually being abused? And all of you are making a mockery of her without ACTUALLY caring whatsoever? My mind is blown.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
For the record- I HAVE NEVER "GROOMED" @caitlinwoah. Period. The photos from 2014+ are from meet and greets that SHE paid for. We didn't even exchange phone numbers or have as much as a conversation until she moved to orlando at the age of 19. We've been BFF's since then.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
Demerie was the most manipulative & controlling person I have EVER been with. Constantly threatening me to do things against my will. Not surprising when you consider she still to this day lives with the most physically and mentally abusive person on earth- Her own mom.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
Any time I tried to suggest she move in with me in my house to escape the violence and abuse she would instantly flip the script and tell me "YOU'RE MANIPULATING ME". We argued nonstop. Sorry that I actually cared about your wellbeing.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
People always have a way to flip the script. I take allegations very seriously and I would never attempt to "cancel" someone's entire career over false information. I really hope all of you can see the truth in this.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020
To anyone that thinks it is "funny" to create false narratives in attempt to "cancel" people, please consider this- You are violating the law. Not only are you discrediting REAL abuse victims, you are also putting yourself in a position for legal action. Thank you for reading.
— Chris Fronzak (@FRONZ1LLA) June 19, 2020