Attila antoi kenkää rumpalilleen Bryan McClurelle entisen tyttöystävän syytettyä tätä raiskauksesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.6.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen, metalcorea soittava Attila on antanut kenkää rumpalilleen Bryan McClurelle miehen entisen tyttöystävän Eileen Andersonin paljastettua Twitterissä tämän raiskanneen hänet yhtyeen kiertuebussissa toukokuussa 2018. Voit lukea Eileenin julkaiseman kertomuksen tapahtumien kulusta sekä raiskauksesta tästä:

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Eileenillä on myös todistusaineistoa tapahtuneesta viestien muodossa. Viimeisimmät viestit ovat huhtikuulta 2019:

Yhtye on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen, jonka mukaan se on erottanut rumpalinsa. Voit lukea tiedotteen tästä:

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“Over the last 4 years, Attila has been a three piece band. We were absolutely disgusted to learn of some recent events surrounding a touring member of the band, and earlier this week we parted ways with that member. We do not condone his actions, and we stand with the victims. We are deeply sorry to those affected and want nothing more than love and healing for them.
– Fronz, Chris, & Kalan.”

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Myös bändin laulaja Chris Fronzak on ollut hyväksikäyttösyytösten kohteena viime aikoina. Miehen entinen tyttöystävä Roxy Vienna syyttää tätä seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä. Voit lukea naisen tviitit tästä:

Chris on julkaissut aiheeseen liittyen seuraavan virallisen viestin sosiaalisessa mediassa:

“Hey what’s up this is Fronz and as you know there’s always two sides to every story. So here’s my side: first things first, I am not a pedophile, I have 0 desire to hook up with anyone underage and I’m strongly against that. At the end of 2018, my band was on tour in Europe and when we were on tour in Austria I met up with a girl named Roxy Vienna. I didn’t seek this girl out, she was simply in my green room, already drinking. We had some drinks together, we had a really good time.

And as things started to heat up, I asked her her age in which she proceeded to tell me she was above age. I checked her ID, in which she had a fake ID that said she was above age. We hooked up, that was that. Flash forward a year later it’s 2019—end of 2019, we’re back on tour in Europe. She comes out with her friend—they always come out together. It’s fun, we vibe, we drink. Once again they’re backstage, already drinking.

You guys know me, I’m in Attila, I’m very hospitable. Any guys, girls, guests—I’m always giving them drinks. I’m not forcing people to get drunk. I just want everyone to be happy and comfortable, that’s it. So we’re having a great night, once again, not a big deal, no one was blackout drunk. We had an early bus call that night so we didn’t hook up. And the next day Roxy messages me saying ‘I really regret not hooking up with you, me and my friend want to come out again to another date, so we can do it.’

And it’s at this point where she explains to me that she in fact lied about her age a year ago. Which was really offsetting and I’m upset about myself for knowing that and still hanging out with her, but we had a good time that night, once again, nobody was blackout. We hooked up and that was that. Since then we still talk. We’ve FaceTimed since that tour. We text, she sends memes in my messages and stuff. And I think that’s part of why I’m confused right now.

But I also have very strong reason to believe that my ex-girlfriend is playing a very large role in this—in fact I know she is. She’s very upset at me because I cheated on her. And I regret that, I made a mistake, I cheated on you. I’m sorry. But I really don’t think that this is a justifiable cause to come out here and try to ruin my life because you’re upset that I cheated on you.

Because I know that you’re teaming up with Roxy to do this and it’s making me really upset. Like, I’m very proud of what I do and everything I do is to support my family and my children. And you’re really… it’s really messing with me and I’m really upset. But that’s all I’m gonna say. I’m not gonna further dive into this topic right now. But I do have a lawyer, so if anyone has any additional concerns, I will happily link you to my lawyer and that’s all I have to say about this situation.”

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