
Attilan laulajalle ikävä joululahja: Varkaat murtautuivat miehen kotiin tällä viikolla

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.12.2017

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcorea soittavan Attilan laulaja Chris Fronzak sai varsin ikävän ennenaikaisen joululahjan, kun varkaat olivat murtautuneet miehen kotiin tällä viikolla hänen ollessaan risteilyllä perheensä kanssa. Fronzak on julkaissut aiheesta sosiaalisissa medioissa lukuisia viestejä ja voit lukea ne tästä:


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I’m at a loss for words right now….. my house got broken into & burglarized while I was away. This is incredibly frustrating and stressful… I can assure you that security measures have been taken to make sure this will never happen again. It’s already happened to several people in my neighborhood too…. ugh. Anyways, thanks for the kind words and support. Me & the fam are going to figure all of this out and still try to have a good Christmas. I want to give an extra special thank you to anyone that picks up something from @staysickthreads over the next week. It won’t replace everything that has been stolen from me but it will surely help, and I appreciate that a lot. Thanks for being understanding.

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Relationship Goals Photo by: @tshenphotography

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