August Burns Rediltä uusi albumi ensi vuonna?
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalcore -yhtye August Burns Redin rumpali Matt Greiner on kertonut haastattelussaan Loudwirelle, että bändi aikoo tänä syksynä kirjoittaa materiaalia tulevalle levylleen ja sen jälkeen siirtyä talvella studioon. Näiden kommenttien valossa olisi optimistista odottaa yhtyeen julkaisevan uusi studioalbumi ensi vuonna. Lue lisää nähdäksesi ote Greinerin haastattelusta.
“…We are going to be writing and recording this year. People forget you if you don’t put out music often, as far as I can see. It’s very important to support the record you just wrote and recorded by touring and then as soon as you can find the right time window to start a new one, do it. A record only lasts a year, a year and a half, maybe two years until you say, “Okay maybe now we need new content” and then that’s going to take six months. It’s all about trying to stay ahead of that curve, looking ahead and seeing when you want that new release and then pulling back six months and saying, “Here’s where we need to start.” We’ll be heading home this fall and writing and recording over the winter.”
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