Australialainen Départe Season of Mistin uusin kiinnitys

Kirjoittanut Riku Mäkinen - 19.6.2015

Departe 2015Australialainen extreme metal-yhtye Départe on solminut levytyssopimuksen Season of Mist recordsin kanssa. Alunperin vuonna 2011 black metal-yhtyeenä perustettu Départe on sittemmin laajentanut musiikkiaan ottamalla siihen elementtejä muun muassa post metalista, dronesta, doomista sekä death metalista. Yhtyeen debyyttialbumia kaavaillaan julkaistavaksi ensi vuoden aikana.

”We are deeply honoured to be working with Season of Mist. This label is home to such a great number of amazing bands, many of which have had a direct influence on us as musicians. It is an immense privilege for us to be made at home among them, especially so early in our career. Our signing to such an illustrious label makes us all the more excited to complete the writing process for our debut full length so we can get it recorded and released and get back on the road. We believe Season of Mist to be a label that understands our artistic vision and will create an environment for us as a collective to continue to do what we love, and to grow and expand our art with integrity and sincerity. Needless to say we are all waiting with bated breath to see what the future holds for us!”

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