Avantasia julkaisee uuden ”A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society” -albuminsa kesällä
Tänä kesänä Oulun Rock In The Cityssa sekä Sauna Open Airissa esiintyvä Tobias Sammetin luotsaama Avantasia on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society” -nimisen albuminsa kesällä 2022. Sammet kertoo tuoreessa yhtyeen kotisivulle julkaistussa haastattelussa parhaillaan viimeistelevänsä albumin rajoitettua painosta ja kertoo samalla yhtyeen todennäköisesti soittavan ainakin muutamaa uutta kappaletta kesän keikkojen yhteydessä. Voit lukea päivityksen levyn tilanteesta tästä:
”Right now we are designing a limited edition book package with loads of additional content, liner notes, photos, an art book and I am deeply involved in all of it. I am a control freak but I want to offer fans nothing less than what I’d personally love to hold in hands. In our webshop we’ll offer limited vinyls in colors that I personally picked. Nothing is left to chance, I approach this as a fan and music enthusiast myself.”
”It’s always hard to judge your own work when you’re still so close to it. Some of it is quite heavy, it clearly shows my Power Metal sides, not just as a writer but also as a vocalist. A friend of mine just said that some of the stuff sounds like my earlier stuff, Avantasia or Edguy at the turn of the millenium.”
”The album is called “A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society“. At first our label was wondering if we couldn’t come up with a longer album title maybe (laughs). Given the attention span of the brave new world it’s not very memorable perhaps, but it’s the concept and the title was on my mind for quite a while. Most fans know that I have never taken the easy way just to deliver things bite-sized for what the market can handle. Our fans are smart enough to memorize the title. As an artist you need to follow your vision, otherwise you get an ulcer and ulcers kill creativity.”