Avantasia julkaisee uuden albuminsa tammikuussa 2019

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 3.5.2018

Tobias Sammet’s Avantasia julkaisee uuden ”Moonglow” -albuminsa tammikuussa 2019 ja aloittaa sitä myötä maailmankiertueen. Sinfonista rockia takovan saksalaisen jättiyhtyeen vuonna 1999 perustanut Tobias Sammett kertoo tiedotteessaan seuraavaa:

”I’ve been trying to calm things down for the last 18 months, but apparently my best way of relaxing is to be creative! During this phase, tons of ideas have been coming to my mind, that literally demanded to be realized in Avantasia’s epic style. I was so convinced of the songs that I realized very quickly: if ever there is to be a new chapter of Avantasia, then it has to happen with this material – past all the trends and rules of the music industry, hand-made and personal, with epic 10-minute pieces alongside catchy rock songs! Everything was created for only one reason: to write great music without any business men shaping it into bite-sized pieces for the modern entertainment landscape. ”Moonglow” will be the most lavish album of my career, the biggest, most colorful thing and the best and most unreasonable luxury, I have ever created in my life. I can’t wait to release the album in January and then take the Moonglow World Tour on a journey around the globe, where you will witness the biggest show Avantasia has ever put on stage!”

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Moonglow World Tour -kiertueen tähän mennessä julkistetut keikat 2019:

30.03. GER – Kaufbeuren, All Karthalle
31.03. IT – Mailand, Alcatraz
02.04. CZ – Prague, Forum Karlin
03.04. GER – Berlin, Huxley´s
05.04. GER – Ludwigsburg, Arena
06.04. GER – Bamberg, Brose Arena
08.04. GER – Fulda, Esperanto Halle
09.04. GER – Saarbrücken, Saarlandhalle
10.04. FR – Paris, Olympia
12.04. GER – Osnabrueck, Stadthalle
13.04. GER – Hamburg, Mehr! Theater
14.04. GER – Oberhausen, Koenig Pilsener Arena
16.04. UK – London, The Forum
18.04. GER – Offenbach, Stadthalle
19.04. CH – Pratteln, Z7
20.04. CH – Pratteln, Z7
24.04. ES – Bilbao, Santana 27
26.04. ES – Barcelona, Razzmatazz 1
27.04. ES – Madrid, Palacio Vistalegre

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