Avantasia julkaisi uuden singlen ”The Inmost Light” – mukana Helloweenin Michael Kiske

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.9.2022

Tobias Sammetin johtama sinfonista metallia esittävä Avantasia valmistautuu julkaisemaan uuden albuminsa ”A Paranormal Evening with the Moonflower Society” 21. lokakuuta Nuclear Blastin kautta. Albumilta on julkaistu kolme singleä, joista tuoreimmalla ”The Inmost Light”-kappaleella kuullaan vierailevana tähtenä Helloweenin vokalistia Michael Kiskeä. Tobias Sammett kertoo yhteistyöstä seuraavaa:

“Michi Kiske is not only a good friend of more than 20 years, he has been with AVANTASIA right from the beginning. His singing inspires me when I compose songs, and while finalizing the writing for a duet with him it always ends up in a very powerful missile like

“The Inmost Light”. The sound is in my DNA, it always was an important component of my songwriting and maybe that is the reason our voices form a strong unit together. It is always a challenge to work and sing with this kind of expert. You have to put a lot of effort into it in order to not secede. Michi‘s singing and the sound of early HELLOWEEN influenced my career. I wrote “The Inmost Light” in the wake of just throwing everything overboard which would not be essential. I wanted to deliver a short and tight rocket”.

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