Avatarin laulaja Johannes Eckerström paljastaa kuinka Slipknotin nokkamies Corey Taylor päätyi viheltelemään bändin tulevalle ”Hunter Gatherer” -albumille
Ruotsalainen heavy metal -yhtye Avatar julkaisee seuraavan albuminsa nimeltä ”Hunter Gatherer” elokuun 7. päivä eOne Musicin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja Johannes Eckerström on antanut hiljattain Talk Toomey -nimiselle podcastille haastattelun, jossa on kertonut kuinka Slipknotin/Stone Sourin laulaja Corey Taylor päätyi viheltelemään ”Secret Door” -nimiseen kappaleeseen. Johannes paljasti tuottaja Jay Rustonin olleen asiassa yhdistävä tekijä, joka oli ollut Tayloriin yhteydessä ja pyytänyt tätä vierailemaan studiossa samaan aikaan, kun bändi oli nauhoittamassa albumiaan. Koska Corey sattui olemaan kaupungissa, hän saapui studiolle ja ilmoitti osallistuvansa albumille mielellään jonkun osuuden muodossa, mikäli bändi sellaisen hänelle kehittelisi. Koska Johannes oli nähnyt nuorempana South Parkissa erilaisia tunnettuja muusikoita vislailemassa, päätti hän kysyä Coreylta suostumusta, ja pian herra olikin nauhoituskopissa nauhoittamassa omaa osuuttaan raudan lujalla ammattilaisen otteella. Johannes kertoi työskentelystä Coreyn kanssa seuraavaa:
”Basically, what happened is that we have popped up on his radar in different ways that led up to this. He has worked with the same producer multiple times now, Jay Ruston. And his wife is into us and I think has helped turn him on to us, and we have, of course, opened for SLIPKNOT. And, actually, a billion years ago, we also opened for STONE SOUR but in more recent days we opened for SLIPKNOT — last year, actually. So he was in touch with Jay, and it turns out [he was] going to be in town while we were recording and he [said he] would love to come by the studio and hear some things and also said, ’I’m all open for doing something, laying down some tracks on something, if the guys are into that.’ [It was] very open-ended and a nice thing to offer. And the first thing that came to my mind was… In one of the early episodes of ’South Park’, in those early seasons, when they would have really, really famous people but let them have really minuscule parts. Jay Leno was a cat, if I remember… And I think, if I remember, Jerry Seinfeld, or his agents or something, turned down being turkey number two — something along those lines. So that immediately [led me to start thinking]… Oh, yeah, let’s get this man who became one of those voices of a generation, one of those that when we were teenagers getting turned on to heavy music, they were one of the contemporary band, ’cause we were all quite old school most of our life. we liked, but they opened my mind to a whole bunch of things. He’s an icon of our generation, and he can whistle.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyI did the whistling on the demo version of ’Secret Door’ but he is a better whistler, so it actually helped. He goes into the booth, and, of course, then it’s serious — he took it very seriously, as did we recording him. There was no giggles at that time. And there was more than one take to really nail it. ’Cause once you’re in there, I guess even if you wanna record fart noises, you still want it to be the best fart noises. You can’t help yourself in the studio to want to do a good job, whatever you’re doing.”
Coreyn ääntä tullaan lisäksi kuulemaan kappaleen lopussa olevassa monen laulajan huuto-osuudessa. Voit kuunnella Johanneksen antaman haastattelun kokonaisuudessaan tästä: