Avenged Sevenfold vokalisti kertoo uuden albumin yllättävän ihmiset

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.7.2013

AvengedSevenfoldYhdysvaltalaisen metallia soittavan Avenged Sevenfoldin vokalisti M. Shadows on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Kerrang Magazinelle, jossa hän kommentoi yhtyeen tulevan ”Hail To The King” albumin sisältöä sekä sen kappaleita. Miehen mukaan albumi tulee yllättämään monet, koska yhtye on hakenut levylle vaikutteita Black Sabbathista sekä Led Zeppelinista. Yhtyeen tuleva albumi julkaistaan elokuun 27. päivä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi M. Shadowsin mietteitä tulevaan albumiin liittyen.

”For the last few records, people have asked what we were listening to — and it’s always been the same records, it hasn’t changed. It’s always been PANTERA, METALLICA, MEGADETH and AC/DC. We feel that metal dropped off after the ’90s in terms of production and songwriting. Metal music isn’t at the forefront as much as it used to be.”

”We wanted to write a record that was highly influenced by the early ’90s records and mid-’80s records we grew up on. Then we went back even further and were influenced by [BLACK] SABBATH and LED ZEPPELIN. We studied those records, looked at what they were doing and how they were doing it. A lot of them came out of the blues, so we studied the blues and classical music. We just wanted to write a record that was different.”

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Shadows kommentoi mille tuntui tehdä albumia ilman edesmennyttä rumpalia The Revia:

”When we started the band, The Rev didn’t write much. Up until ’City of Evil’ [2005] and the [2007 self-titled] white album, he didn’t write much except his drum parts. So we kind of got back to before that. I definitely didn’t like it very much, though. [In the past], we’d get to a point where we had written six or seven songs and we’d feel completely drained. That was when he would always come in with three or four great songs, and that would pretty much fill the album. He brought a different influence; he was a full-on metalhead for life, and he could always write in whatever style you were looking for. So when we got to tracks six and seven for this album, we really missed him. I really wished Jimmy was there to finish the album up. But that wasn’t the case, so we had to really take our time.”

Haastattelussa Shadows kommentoi myös yhtyeen uutta rumpalia Arimia seuraavasti:

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”He killed it on this record! He did everything we needed him to do. We didn’t go in there and write all the drum fills for him, or get on Pro Tools to fix it all. He just killed it. He knew what he needed to do, put in lots of work in pre-production and mentally got to the place he needed to be.”

”The record will surprise people, because the drumming is completely different to anything we’ve done before. That’s because of the way the songwriting is. We wrote songs that needed this type of drumming. I spoke to Arin and said, ’Look, people are going to come at you because of what this record sounds like. They’re going to think you should be overplaying like Jimmy and Mike [Portnoy, ex-DREAM THEATER and drummer on ’Nightmare’] played.’ But if The Rev was here with us, this is how he’d have played it. He wouldn’t overplay it, he’d sit back in the groove and he’d try to make it as powerful as possible, rather than as technical as possible. I asked [Arin] if he was okay with that; I asked if he was okay with the hate he was going to get. He said he was, and that he wanted to do whatever was best for us and the songs.”