Awakening Sun julkaisi uuden singlen ”The Butterfly Effect” – Luvataan yllyttävän massiiviseen circle pitiin
Liettualainen Awakening Sun on julkaissut singlen tulevalta kolmannelta albumiltaan ”Into The Light”. Singlen nimi on ”The Butterfly Effect”, ja yhtye on kuvaillut kappaletta seuraavasti:
”’The Butterfly Effect’ – is the song that will kick off a circle pit as soon as the first beat comes in and does not stop until the heavy and progressive breakdown in the end. Full of fast and groovy riffs, something we’ve been aiming for as a band since our inception it finally feels like we made it happen. We were strongly influence by Lamb Of God, Pantera, Devildriver. ’Into The Light’ defines a new chapter that we have been preparing for for the past few years. In this process, we had revamped and rewritten songs for the album until we finally achieved powerful groovy riffing with diverse vocal delivery and melodic solos, something we have been aiming for since the beginning. The album was written and recorded as a live set kicking in hard and never stopping, unrelenting, until the the last note hits. Our goal was to make sure you go nuts from the beginning till the end singing and shouting along with the band.
”Into The Light” -albumi julkaistaan maaliskuun 5. päivä. Kuuntele single tästä: