Bad Religion tuotteliaana korona-aikana: Uutta materiaalia tulossa
Pitkän uran tehneen yhdysvaltalaisen punk rock -yhtye Bad Religionin leiristä on tullut vihjauksia uudesta materiaalista. Yhtye julkaisi kuun alussa uuden ”Faith Alone 2020” –singlensä ja nyt yhtyeen laulaja Greg Graffin on kertonut Q104.3 -radiokanavalla, että yhtye on ollut tuottelias koronapandemian aikana. Yhtye on käyttänyt aikaa uuden materiaalin kirjoittamiseen ja ”Faith Alone 2020” -singlen lisäksi yhtye aikoo julkaista sarjan muita uusia kappaleita.
Yhtye julkaisi vastikään myös historiikkinsa Do What You Want: The Story of Bad Religion -kirjan muodossa. Graffin kertoi:
”We’d sold a lot of tickets this year. And by March, obviously, it was clear that we were gonna be sidelined. Yet still, we reassured our fans that we were going to honor those tickets, and as soon as we’re through this crisis, we will.
A band is a lot more than just playing live, so we’ve tried to maintain our sanity and offer something to the fans. We just put out a single called ’Faith Alone 2020’; you can find it on streaming services. And we’ve got a string of other singles that are gonna be coming out during this time. Because when we’re not on tour, we spend a lot of time in the studio. And now we all have music rooms and we all have Pro Tools studios at our houses. And we’re trying to fill in the time by doing creative, collaborative works like that.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyIf you’re a creative band, you’re active right now. Because regardless of what a lot of bands will tell you, it’s not that easy to write music when you’re on tour. You have to partition your energy. And the idea of a band getting together after a concert, getting in a bus and just writing music, in our experience, that just doesn’t happen. Good writing is really a time of reflection, and it happens at times like these. So I think creative bands can be in a really good mode right now of producing material. As far as getting out there and playing, there’s only a certain number of venues, and everyone’s gonna be wanting to get out into those venues. So it remains to be seen how we’re going to partition the tours in the next year. But bands like BAD RELIGION, certainly, we have committed ourselves — we’ve already sold tickets, and I think those will be honored in the normal way.”
”Faith Alone 2020” –single: