Bad Wolves julkaisee seuraavan albuminsa lokakuun lopussa: Oikoo entisen laulajan Tommy Vextin bändiin kohdistamia syytöksiä tuoreessa tiedotteessa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.9.2021

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Bad Wolves on julkaisemassa seuraavan, ”Dear Monsters” -nimisen albuminsa lokakuun 29. päivä Better Noise Musicin kautta. Albumilta tullaan julkaisemaan tämän viikon keskiviikkona 8. syyskuuta ensimmäinen single nimeltä ”Lifeline” musiikkivideon kera, jossa esitellään virallisesti myös yhtyeen uusi laulaja, The Acacia Strainissa aiemmin vaikuttanut Daniel “DL” Lasckiewicz. Yhtyeestä riitaisasti tammikuussa eronnut laulaja Tommy Vext käy parhaillaan yhtyettä vastaan oikeudessa taistelua, ja bändi onkin nyt tuoreessa tiedotteessaan päättänyt oikoa erilaisia Tommyn yhtyettä kohtaan kohdistamia syytöksiä. Voit lukea yhtyeen virallisen tiedotteen tästä:

“Since Tommy Vext quit Bad Wolves in January, we have all largely stayed silent.

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We were prioritizing our search for a new singer, making music and focusing on the band’s future. We have all put a tremendous amount of heart and soul into Bad Wolves, and we owed it our fans to make a third album that is the band’s best yet.

We are happy to share that we’ve accomplished that, and we can’t wait for you to hear it.

The album is called DEAR MONSTERS and it will be out October 29. The first single, called ’Lifeline’, is coming out this Wednesday, September 8, with a new music video. It will be the first taste of the next chapter with our new singer DL, who is an incredible talent and welcomed addition to the band.

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We think our fans will appreciate the renewed energy and range he brings to Bad Wolves.

It’s unfortunate we must bear witness to Tommy Vext‘s never-ending temper tantrums on social media, filled with fraudulent claims and sad attempts to defame members of our band and our team. The truth is that Tommy was abusive – both emotionally and physically – while in the band, and he continues to be abusive since quitting the group. He has childishly asserted many falsehoods. Refuting them all would be a waste of time and divert our energy from making music, which is our priority.

However we will not stand for our artistic contributions to be diminished, so here are some points that we feel are important to clarify before we move ahead with the next chapter:

Ten of the 13 songs on our first album ’Disobey’ were musically written and recorded before Tommy ever joined the band.
Killing Me Slowly’ is an example of a song done in collaboration with outside writers. Tommy changed a few lyrics and then publicly claimed to be the mastermind behind the song. That is false, which is why others, including members from the band are credited on the track.
When were shooting the video for ’Better Off This Way (feat. Dorothy)’ [a song co-written by Doc Coyle, John Boecklin and Brandon Sammons]. Tommy refused to let any other members be in the video. Then, to make matters worse, he illegally leaked it after quitting the band
Bad Wolves is and will remain a creative collective, where no one member inside or outside the band, holds the keys to the group’s success.

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Bad Wolves

Tommy Vext on itse kommentoinut aihetta Instagramissa seuraavasti:

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