Balance Breach @ Wilhelm, Mikkeli

Balance Breachin debyyttialbumi ja uusi lyriikkavideo julkaistu

Kirjoittanut Vilma Peltokangas - 3.7.2020
Balance Breach @ Wilhelm, Mikkeli

Kotimaisen metalcoren lipunkantaja Balance Breach julkaisi debyyttialbuminsa ”Dead End Diaries” tänään 3. heinäkuuta Out Of Line Musicin kautta. Yhtye julkaisi samalla lyriikkavideon kappaleestaan ”Aurora”. Katso tuore video ja lue rumpali Antti Halosen kommentti kappaleesta alta:

”When we were writing ’Aurora’, we had only a few chords and an old clean melody. We knew that we have all the ingredients to write a perfect ballad, but months later I decided that the song has to be done somehow and I wrote it with my keyboard and laptop so that song got its frames. It supposed to be a perfect three and a half minute hit ballad but as always emotions take control and lead it to the way it should be. ’Aurora’ has an ethereal atmosphere that fits perfectly with the lyrics. Those two elements carry listeners through clouds, storm, and towards the most beautiful sunrise.”

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