Battle Beast jatkaa sopimustaan Nuclear Blast Recordsin kanssa: ”Olemme innoissamme saadessamme jatkaa tähän asti hyvin toiminutta yhteistyötä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.1.2021
Battle Beast

Kotimainen heavy metal -yhtye Battle Beast on jatkanut sopimustaan Nuclear Blast Recordsin kanssa. Bändin basisti Eero Sipilä on kommentoinut sopimusta seuraavasti:

”We are thrilled to announce our continued co-operation with the metal titans Nuclear Blast records. With 200+ million plays on the various streaming services and high chartings around the world there’s absolutely no questioning the fruit our long partnership has borne. The work for the next Battle Beast opus is well under way, and we can’t wait to hit the stages around the world once this disease has blown over!
Here’s to many more great years to come! Cheers!”

Nuclear Blastin Euroopan toimitusjohtaja Marcus Hammer on kertonut sopimuksesta seuraavaa:

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“I am very happy and proud that we were able to extend the partnership with Battle Beast and can continue this success story! As we can see there are still Hollywood Endings to some stories. We are stoked to open together the next chapter for this remarkable career.”