Beheaded riidoissa levy-yhtiön kanssa debyyttialbuminsa uudelleenjulkaisusta

Kirjoittanut Riku Mäkinen - 3.3.2015

BeheadedMaltalainen death metal-yhtye Beheaded on julkaissut facebook-sivuillaan tiedotteen, jossa se väittää Pathos Productionsin olevan aikeissa uudelleenjulkaista yhtyeen vuoden 1998 debyyttialbumi ”Perpetual Mockery” ilman minkäänlaista sopimusta tai lupaa julkaisuun. Yhtye uhkaa levy-yhtiötä oikeustoimilla, mikäli levy tästä huolimatta julkaistaan. Voit lukea yhtyeen antaman tiedotteen tästä:


Pathos Productions is selling and taking pre-orders for the re-release of Perpetual Mockery without our consent, agreement or any form of contract
Despite our warnings to Pathos Productions not to go ahead with this, the guy who runs the label, John Timothy Dwyer, has banned us from his facebook page and is not even replying to our messages. The guy is a fraud and a rip off, nothing more.
We are unfortunately left with no choice but to take the matter to legal hands. Until then we urge everyone to share and spread this post eveywhere !
The re-release of Perpetual Mockery from Pathos is illegal, it is not an official release and being done from a person who wants to take financial advantage by re-releasing an album which is the band’s property.
We strongly urge anyone who is considering placing a pre-order not to do so. Anyone who has placed a pre-order .. ask for a refund. By buying this release from Pathos you will only be getting an unofficial Beheaded release, that the band is totally against and has no more value than a bootleg. This release is only putting money into the pockets of a fraudster, instead of supporting the band.
We will keep you updated on this issue
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A few points need to be made in order to make the situation clear.
We have been in talks with Pathos with the intention to make this re-release happen however for numerous reasons there was no final agreement between the 2 sides. Not even a contract was ever presented to us. We are sure Pathos has his own ’version’ of the story as much as we have ours but our intention is not to play online thug of war and create online drama. We have tried countless times and in every way imaginable to find some kind of agreement but time and time again our attempts were ignored and in the meantime Pathos has put pre-orders for sale and is even promoting the release by puting this as the main cover/profile picture on his page.
Following more warnings to him to remove the post, which were also ignored, we were left with no option but to put this online.