Behemoth jatkoi sopimustaan Nuclear Blastin kanssa: uusi albumi luvassa syksyllä 2021!

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.2.2021
Kuva: Grzegorz Gołębiowski

Puolalainen death metal -yhtye Behemoth on jatkanut sopimustaan Nuclear Blastin kanssa. Yhtye työstää parhaillaan musiikkia tulevaa albumiaan varten, jonka julkaisu tulee tapahtumaan syksyllä 2021. Nergal on kertonut sopimuksesta Nuclear Blastin kanssa seuraavaa:

“Nuclear Blast has been a household name in metal for decades, and BEHEMOTH has been part of that long and illustrious history. But now is about the future, and we look forward to beginning BEHEMOTH’s next chapter with a refocused and revitalized team at Nuclear Blast!”

Nuclear Blastin Euroopan A&R Jens Prueter on kertonut yhteistyöstä Behemothin kanssa seuraavaa:

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“It’s a great pleasure to extend our partnership for the worldwide release of BEHEMOTH’s upcoming studio albums. Their 30-year journey has not yet reached its pinnacle, and we are more than proud to assist them on their way to being not only the biggest extreme metal band, but also one of the most exciting rock acts of the next decade. There are just a few bands who have the vision and will to dominate the music scene. Special thanks also to their management powerhouse 5B – namely, Adam Foster and Justin Arcangel – for making this happen on all levels.”

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