Behemoth julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Bartzabel” – uusi albumi ulkona tällä viikolla

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 1.10.2018


Puolalainen black metal-yhtye Behemoth julkaisee tulevan albuminsa perjantaina, jolta yhtye on julkaissut tuoreen musiikkivideon katsottavaksi kappaleestaan ”Bartzabel”. Yhtyeen keulahahmo Nergal on kertonut uudesta kappaleesta näin:

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”’Bartzabel is a song that came in the midst of a Behemoth rehearsal… We had no structure, no vision — but piece by piece, it came to be, and we were extremely excited by the result. To us, it’s the eye of the I Loved You At Your Darkest storm: sonically calmer and slower than anything else on the record, but definitely one of the darkest!”

”Lyrically, we (myself and Krzysztof Azarewicz) were inspired by Aleister Crowley’s conjuration of the Spirit of Mars — which the video, by our trusted friends in Grupa 13, depicts beautifully… I may even go as far to say that it’s my favorite Behemoth video of all time! I hope you all enjoy it, and we look forward to ’I Loved You At Your Darkest”s launch this Friday!”


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Tulevan ”I Loved You At Your Darkest”-albumin nimestä Nergal on paljastanut mielenkiintoisen asian:

”It’s a verse from the Bible. It’s actually a quote from Jesus Christ himself. For Behemoth to use it as the basis of our record, it’s sacrilege to the extreme.”


Katso musiikkivideo tästä:

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”I Loved You At Your Darkest”-albumin kappaleet:

01. Solve
02. Wolves Ov Siberia
03. God = Dog
04. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
05. Bartzabel
06. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough…
07. Angelvs XIII
08. Sabbath Mater
09. Havohej Pantocrator
10. Rom 5:8
11. We Are The Next 1000 Years
12. Coagvla

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