Behemothin Nergal perustelee bändin tarvetta pitää taukoa ”The Satanist” albumin kiertueiden jälkeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.4.2015

Behemoth 2014Vuonna 2014 paljon ylistystä ympäri maailmaa ”The Satanist” albumilla saaneen Behemothin vokalisti Adam ”Nergal” Darski on vieraillut hiljattain Full Metal Jackien radio-ohjelmassa haastateltavana. Mieheltä on kysytty haastattelun aikana, että miltä näyttää yhtyeen tulevaisuus ”The Satanist” albumin tiimoille kaavailtujen kiertueiden jälkeen. Nergal on haastatelussa sanonut, että yhtye aikoo pitää taukoa niin kauan kunnes saa taas uutta energiaa ja ideoita luoda täysin uutta materiaalia. Voit lukea Nergalin mietteitä sekä perustelut taukoon liittyen tästä:

“Well, it’s all about the compression and just finding the right balance in mind. I mean I remember times and I remember them well because it wasn’t that far ago where I would just jump from one cycle to another crazy cycle. You know tour-album-tour-album. We were one of these bands and we just never stop.

What you are risking by never getting off of the tour bus and just going straight to the studio almost you’re risking that you’re gonna miss out your life and missing out your life is missing out opportunities collecting miss opportunities to actually live your life and eventually get inspired by what you see, what you touch, what you eat, what you know, so on and so on.

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That’s why, I’m being pretty critical to bands that I listen to and I can hear that there’s not much variety in them. I’m all about diversity and when we deliver every next record I really must make sure that it’s a new chapter, something really refreshing, something redefining compared to what we’ve done before.

So to me it just feels natural that a cycle is you just go as long as we can with The Satanist, just to reach its potential fully. And take time off take as much as we need to recover to get right perspective to get hungry again and then eventually come back and do another spectacular album.”

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