Behemothin rumpali jää pois tulevalta kiertueelta: tilalle Job For A Cowboyn entinen rumpali Jon Rice

Puolalaisen death metal -yhtye Behemothin rumpali Inferno on päättänyt jättäytyä pois bändin tulevalta Yhdysvaltojen kiertueelta toisen lapsensa syntymän vuoksi. Yhtye on pestannut tuuraavaksi rumpalikseen ennen Job For A Cowboyssa soitelleen Jon Ricen. Voit lukea yhtyeen julkaiseman virallisen viestin aiheesta tästä:
“Behemoth Legions!
We must announce that our drummer, Inferno will not be taking part in the upcoming Slayer tour with Lamb of God:
“I am going to be a father for the second time in my life and it’s going to happen in July of 2017. I therefore must apologize to all our fans for not being able to participate in the 2017 Summer, North American tour. I believe that Jon Rice, an amazing drummer, a truly experienced musician, and a good friend of ours, will flawlessly take over my drum throne for this short period and will set the stage on fire!” – Inferno
As much of a disappointment it is not to have our brother with us, we completely support Inferno in this amazing chapter of his life. Rest assured, we’re still bringing one HELL of a show with us and look forward to seeing our North American, Legions in full force!”