Belphegor - On The Rocks - 2023

Belphegorin basisti joutuu jättämään yhtyeen tauolle terveysongelmien seurauksena

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.12.2023

Itävaltalaisen tumman death metallin titaanin Belphegorin pitkä-aikainen basisti Serpenth joutuu jättämään yhtyeen toistaiseksi terveysongelmien seurauksena. Bändin laulaja-kitaristi Helmuth Lehner on paljastanut asian tuoreessa faneille lähettämässään viestissä, jonka voit lukea tästä:

“Due to health reasons, Serpenth has to take a break from touring. He doesn’t want to make people worry about him, and therefore I respect and honor his personal space. He has always been a very private person, not seeking attention, and that’s admirable, especially in these times.

“Mr. Serpenth has marched by my side for 17 years; we played numerous tours and festivals together that took us several times around the globe, creating thousands of great memories.

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“I value him not only as a skilled musician but also on a personal level, as a comrade, a very loyal partner in crime. I wish him all the best and extend a big thank you for his dedication to Belphegor all these years. I hope he can regain his health and return in the near future.”