Betraying The Martyrsin auto syttyi tuleen aamuyöstä Orangevalessa: yhtye joutuu lopettamaan Pohjois-Amerikan kiertueensa kesken

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.7.2019

Ranskalainen, metalcorea soittava Betraying The Martyrs on joutunut vakavaan auto-onnettomuuteen kesken kiertueensa Pohjois-Amerikassa Orangevalessa Kaliforniassa. Yhtyettä kuljettanut Mercedeksen sprintteri syttyi äkillisesti tuleen neljältä aamulla, ja bändin kaikki soittokamat paloivat auton mukana. Yhtye sekä bändin crew onnistuivat pakenemaan autosta ilman vahinkoja, mutta yhtye on pakotettu lopettamaan kiertue kesken. Bändin laulaja Aaron Matts on kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa:

”We’re all shaken by what has happened this morning. We’re well but very heartbroken that all we have worked hard to accumulate over the years, both in musical equipment, and personal belongings has been lost in a matter of minutes.

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I’m grateful that we have our health, each other, and were able to walk away with the clothes on our backs, We are extremely sorry to have missed another opportunity to play for those that were looking forward to seeing us. We’ll bounce back and we’ll see you soon. Thank you.”

Yhtyeen kitaristi Baptiste Vigier on kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa:

”This is the most tragic event that has ever happened in our band’s career, and in my entire life. Earlier this morning I was awakened by our driver screaming and urging us all to get out of the vehicle. Although I’m incredibly thankful to still be alive and tell this story, I lost all my gear and personal belongings. We feel incredibly powerless and in shock.

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There is absolutely no way we could thank enough, our driver and new best friend Daniel Johnson; this man literally ran into the flames in an attempt to salvage our belongings and to ensure our safety and well-being. Daniel acted out of pure courage and professionalism in order for the band and crew to be safe and at a lower risk of injury. Whatever we have left after this, we owe it to you Daniel. A part of the potential funds raised will be going to Daniel to compensate for his courage and for his belongings lost.”

Bändi on aloittanut Gofundme-kampanjan korvatakseen edes osan tulipalossa aiheutuneista vahingoista. Voit lukea yhtyeen viestin tästä:

”If you’ve ever had the chance to catch BETRAYING THE MARTYRS live, if you know the band or simply follow what we do, if you’ve shared the stage with us, if you’ve ever listened to or streamed our music, we’re asking for your help.

ANY donation will be incredibly helpful to all of us and will go directly towards rebuilding our band, to help us get back home and ultimately to keep doing what we love, which is creating music and sharing it with our fans.

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Please donate to the Gofundme here:

Yhtye menetti palossa seuraavat esineet:

– Splitter
– In Ears Monitors System x 4
– Most of our Merchandising
– 1 furman power conditioner
– S16 / x32
– 4 keyboards
– our shock mount racks units
– 1 Helix
– 1 AxeFX
– 6 guitar cases
– all personal belongings and suitcases
– A full Midas Mixing Desk and its case
– A full drum kit
– The whole brand new trailer

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