Betraying The Martyrsista lähteneen laulajan Aaron Mattsin uuden yhtyeen ten56. ensimmäinen kappale ”Diazepam” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.4.2021

Ranskalaisesta metalcore-yhtye Betraying The Martyrsista hiljattain lähtenyt laulaja Aaron Matts on julkaissut uuden yhtyeensä ten56.:n kanssa ensimmäisen kappaleen nimeltä ”Diazepam”. Voit katsoa kappaleesta julkaistun videon tästä:

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Ten56.-yhtyeessä vaikuttavat Aaron Mattsin lisäksi kitaristit Quentin Godet (Kadinja) ja Luka Garotin (Earth Trip), basisti Nicolas Delestrade (Novelists FR) sekä rumpali Arnaud Verrier (Uneven Structure).

Aaron Matts on kertonut tuoreesta kappaleesta seuraavaa:

”As is the case for all of the tracks on the record, it’s been a true battle putting the thoughts I have into words on paper; the song’s true meanings are there to be found inside the lyrics, and given the nature of the subject matters I don’t feel super comfortable going too deeply into the gritty details. I’ve done my best to put it all out there in these tracks so I feel there’s nothing left to say, plus therapists are expensive, hence the birth of ten56..”

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Matts on avannut tuoretta bändiä lehdistötiedotteessa seuraavasti:

”We’ve been working on this silently for over a year and have a lot of surprises all backed up and ready to go; I can confidently say that no matter what people’s first impressions of our first single may be, they should not be hasty to form an opinion until they have heard the whole upcoming record, each single is going to a shock to the system, that I am sure of!

As for the guys in the band, it’s been a help being in the game for over ten years, it started with Arnaud, then together we hand picked from our close friends who we knew would be the perfect fit, and fuck me we lucked out, everyone is so sick.”

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