Biohazard-kitaristi Billy Graziadei lähtee soolouralle: debyyttialbumi ulos marraskuussa

Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 11.10.2018

Biohazard- sekä Powerflo-yhtyeistä tunnettu kitaristi Billy Graziadei on ilmoittanut aloittavansa soolouran. BillyBio-nimellä musiikkia tekevä Graziadei julkaisee uuden albuminsa ”Feed The Fire” 30. marraskuuta. Miehen mukaan luvassa on ”raskas, nopea, groovaava ja energinen” albumi. Graziadei kertoo:

”I’ve always wanted to do a solo release and the timing of everything that I have been working on just seemed to fall in place. I always let the creative juices flow, I don’t try and restrict them to fit a certain genre. With BillyBio, it’s 100% me. No influence from anyone else. This is who I am and what I’ve become. I’m a product of everyone I’ve met, talked with, shared my stories with… and a bit of their stories as well.

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”Anyone who’s a fan of what I’ve done, especially with Biohazard, will love this! There’s something there for every fan of heavy underground music! I’m psyched to release my new music this fall as BillyBio. Launching the band in Europe on tour with my family in Life Of Agony couldn’t get any better!”

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